Monday, June 2, 2014

Assignment: Earth revised Mavericlion Production Edition

Assignment: Earth
revised Mavericlion Production Edition.
Editors Note;Even though,I like the Gary Seven Star Trek episode Assignment Earth,Gene Roddenberry,Art Wallace and company made a few blunders.Trying to play both against the middle,presenting Gary Seven as either an enemy or good guy against Kirk,while not giving any evidence of who Mister Seven worked for –the Aegis and who he fought against-the Omegans and Counter Strike,made the episode look abit confusing and incomplete.Saving this stuff,for a potential,never realized was about as silly a thing to do.Atleast,give the viewers a few fints of to what was coming up and not leave it unsaid.Knowing such things,unlike the first I saw this as  a child,I added those things into the aired teleplay.
Hope enjoy.
Doc Thompson.
Stardate: Unknown
Original Airdate: Mar 29, 1968
Captain's log. Using the lightspeed breakaway factor, the Enterprise has moved back through time to the twentieth century. We are now in extended orbit around Earth, using our ship's deflector shields to remain unobserved. Our mission, historical research. We are monitoring Earth communications to find out how our planet survived desperate problems in the year 1968.
(The ship rocks as if being hit by something.)
KIRK: Alert status. Force shields on maximum. Leslie, begin sensor scan.
SPOCK [OC]: Transporter room to Captain.
[Transporter room]
KIRK [OC]: Kirk here. What's happening?
SPOCK: It appears we have accidentally intercepted someone's transporter beam, Captain.
SPOCK [OC]: It's incredibly powerful.
KIRK: It's impossible. The twentieth century had no such
[Transporter room]
SPOCK: Captain, something is beaming aboard this vessel.
KIRK: I'll be right there.
[Transporter room]
SPOCK: The beam is originating at least one thousand light years away.
SCOTT: No transporter beam can reach that far, not even in our century.
(Kirk enters.)
KIRK: Something is shaking us apart.
SCOTT: It's locked, it's locked our circuits wide open.
(One of the transporter pads has activated.)
KIRK: You're right. Something is beaming aboard.
(It's a man in a dark suit, holding a black cat. He steps down from the platform and speaks calmly.)
SEVEN: Why have you intercepted me?
KIRK: Security.
SECURITY [OC]: Security.
KIRK: Transporter room, on the double.
SECURITY [OC]: On our way, sir.
SEVEN: Please identify yourselves.
KIRK: This is the United Spaceship Enterprise. I'm Captain Kirk, commanding.
SEVEN: (to the cat) Yes, I heard him, Isis. We're aboard a space vessel. From what planet?
KIRK: Earth.
SEVEN: That's impossible. In this time period, there weren't (notices Spock) Humans with a Vulcan? You're from the future, Captain. You're going to have to beam me down to Earth immediately.
(Security arrive.)
KIRK: Phasers on stun.
SEVEN: Careful, Isis. All right. Captain Kirk. My name is Gary Seven. I am a human being from the twentieth century. I was on my way
KIRK: Humans of the twentieth century do not go beaming around the galaxy, Mister Seven.
SEVEN: I've been living on another planet,know as the Aegis far more advanced. I was beaming to Earth when you intercepted me.
KIRK: The location of that planet?
SEVEN: They wish their existence kept secret.  Even in your time, it will remain unknown.
SCOTT: It's impossible to hide a whole planet.
SEVEN: Impossible for you, not for them. Captain Kirk, I am of this time period. You are not. You interfere with me with what I have to do there, and you'll change history. You'll destroy the Earth and probably yourselves, too.
SPOCK: If what he says is true, Captain, every second we delay him could be dangerous.
KIRK: And if he's lying?
SEVEN: This is the most critical period in Earth's history. The planet I'm from wants to help Earth survive.
KIRK: What if it turns out you're an invading alien from the future?
SEVEN;Captain ,I here to prevent just that.Unknown to yourselves,there is a Temporal Cold War going on.The Aegis are fighting an opposing group,calling themselves the Omegans-a sort of Counter Strike Operation,we have tracked their agents to this time and location.I’ve told you more,that I should.
KIRK;You told me nothing,Mister Seven-if that is really your name.
SPOCK: A most difficult decision, Captain.
KIRK: I can't beam you down without further proof one way or the other. Security confinement.
SECURITY: This way, please.
KIRK: Sickbay.
MCCOY [OC]: McCoy here.
(Seven attacks the security men. Spock neck-pinches him but is thrown off.
MCCOY [OC]: Jim. Jim! Jim. What's going on there?
(Kirk gets a phaser and stuns Seven as he starts to work the transporter controls.)
MCCOY [OC]: Sickbay to transporter room.
[McCoy's office]
MCCOY: Jim, what's going on down there?
[Transporter room]
KIRK: Bones, check the prisoner you'll find in security confinement. I want a medical analysis fast. Is he or isn't he human?
Captain's log, supplemental. A man in a twentieth century business suit. What is he? Not even Spock's Vulcan neck pinch could stop him. Without our phasers, he would have over powered all five of us. I find it difficult to believe the mysterious Mister Seven can be human, and yet, suppose he is?
[Briefing room]
(Spock is stroking the cat, who is purring.)
KIRK: What do you make of the cat, Mister Spock?
SPOCK: Quite a lovely animal, Captain. I find myself strangely drawn to it.
KIRK: This is the captain. All science, engineering, and supervisory personnel, lock into the briefing room. Our next decision can be of enormous consequence, not only to us but to Earth's entire future. You've already been given as much information as we have. Please break in at any time with analysis of that information. Navigation report.
CHEKOV [on monitor]: We have analysed the direction of his beam, sir. Our star maps show no habitable planets in that area of the galaxy.
SPOCK: He did say his planet was hidden, Captain.
KIRK: Engineering.
SCOTT [on monitor]: Still unable to analyze it, sir. It was so powerful, it fused most of our recording circuits. Could have brought him back through great distances, could have brought him back through time. There's no way for us to know.
KIRK: Mister Spock, historical report.
SPOCK: Current Earth crises would fill a tape bank, Captain. There will be an important assassination today, an equally dangerous government coup in Asia, and, this could be highly critical, the launching of an orbital nuclear warhead platform by the United States countering a similar launch by other powers.
KIRK: Weren't orbital nuclear devices one of this era's greatest problems?
SPOCK: Most definitely. Once the sky was full of orbiting H-bombs, the slightest mistake could have brought one down by accident, setting off a nuclear holocaust.
[McCoy's office]
MCCOY: McCoy here.
KIRK [OC]: Bones, hurry with that report. Join me in the briefing room with your analysis.
MCCOY: Acknowledged.
(Seven tests the forcefield blocking the doorway. Then, behind the guard's back, he takes a pen from his pocket and turns it into a device that shuts the forcefield off. He also uses it to stop the guard from shooting him.)
SEVEN: You're tired. Go to sleep.
(The guard slides down the wall with a grin on his face as Seven makes his escape.)
[Briefing room]
MCCOY: Well, I must admit the sensor readings seem too good. Human readings, yes, but not a single physical flaw. Totally perfect body.
KIRK: If an alien needed a body.
SPOCK: He might be inclined to prepare a perfect one, Captain. But then again he may be telling the truth.
KIRK: Gentlemen, I need proof. All you're telling me is that on the one hand he may be lying and on the other
(The cat exits the room.)
SECURITY [OC]: Security alert. All decks alert. The prisoner has escaped. All decks alert.
KIRK: This is the Captain. Inform us
UHURA [OC]: Bridge to Captain, transporter circuits show someone preparing to beam down.
KIRK: Try to override. Shut it off!
[Transporter room]
(The cat arrives as Seven finishes setting the controls.)
SEVEN: I know, Isis. But we'll be gone before they get here.
(They beam away just as Kirk, McCoy and Spock dash into the room.)
[Apartment - main room]
(A display case full of glasses splits in two, revealing a massive safe door behind it. The locking wheel turns, the safe door opens and Gary Seven carrying Isis the cat walks out of a fog into the main room. The safe door shuts itself behind him and is hidden again behind the shelves of glasses. Seven goes to the window and looks down onto a street filled with people and traffic.)
SEVEN: You're right, Isis. It is primitive. It's incredible that people can exist like this. At least we won't have to. Not for long. Computer on.
(A bookcase swings open to reveal a black screen, circular monitor and control panel.)
COMPUTER: (high-pitched staccato female) Computer on.
SEVEN: Specify locations of agents two oh one and three four seven.
COMPUTER: Identify self.
SEVEN: Simply check my voice pattern. You'll find me listed as Supervisor one nine four. Code name Gary Seven.
COMPUTER: Voice pattern matches, but I have no listing of a Gary Seven assigned this planet.
SEVEN: Computer, I am a class one supervisor. You are ordered to override previous instructions and answer my questions.
COMPUTER: I am a Beta Five computer capable of analytical decisions. Please confirm identity as supervisor by describing nature of agents and mission here.
SEVEN: Computer, I caution you. I have little love for Beta Five snobbery. Override. All right. Agents are male and female, descendants of human ancestors taken from Earth approximately six thousand years ago. They're the product of generations of training for this mission. Problem. Earth technology and science have progressed faster than political and social knowledge. Purpose of mission. To prevent Earth's civilisation from destroying itself before it can mature into a peaceful society.
COMPUTER: Incomplete but sufficient. Location of agents unreported for three days.
SEVEN: Why didn't you say so in the first place? No, don't answer that. Simply begin search immediately. Recheck all news broadcasts, decode any government intercepted message
COMPUTER: I am aware of proper search procedures, one nine four.
[Transporter room]
(There are no clouds at all over North and Central Africa, the Middle East and into the Indian subcontinent as the Enterprise orbits Earth. No green vegetation either.)
SCOTT: We can estimate only within a thousand metres or so where he beamed down, Captain.
KIRK: If we beam down, can you compare our position with his control setting?
SPOCK: Following him down is a major risk, Captain. If we ourselves do anything that changes history
KIRK: I'm aware of that. But I must know if he's lying, and we can't answer that sitting up here. Have ship's stores prepare the proper costumes. Stand by to beam us down.
[Apartment -main room]
COMPUTER: In response to nuclear warhead placed in suborbit by other major power, United States today launching suborbital platform with multi-warhead capacity. Purpose, to maintain balance of power.
SEVEN: That's the same kind of nonsense that almost destroyed planet Omicron Four.
COMPUTER: Analysis correct. Earth situation similar. Mission of agents two oh one and three four seven. Set malfunction on United States rocket.
SEVEN: Progress of mission Has the rocket been set to malfunction?
COMPUTER: Negative. No progress.
SEVEN: How much time before launch?
COMPUTER: Exactly one hour, twenty seven minutes, twelve seconds.
SEVEN: Computer, record the following. Unless agents are found immediately, I must undertake their mission.
(Kirk and Spock have managed to beam down in suits and overcoats (and woolly hat for Spock of course)
KIRK: Scotty, lock in on our position.
[Transporter room]
KIRK [OC]: Lead us to him.
SCOTT: Locked in. Proceed one nine five degrees true.
[Apartment - office]
(The computer is fabricating identity papers for Seven, as a Colonel with the CIA, a Lieutenant in the NYPD and a Colonel with the NSA. It has also produced a map of McKinley Rocket Base. Then a young woman in an orange and purple mini-dress lets herself into an adjoining room.)
ROBERTA: Hello? Anybody here? Looks like your lucky day, Roberta. They can't dock you if they don't know you're late.
(Seven comes in from the main room.)
SEVEN: Where have you been?
ROBERTA: Oh, the subway got stalled
SEVEN: Where have you been for the past three days?
ROBERTA: Now, wait a minute. Why should I tell you? Who are you, anyway?
SEVEN: Where's three four seven?
ROBERTA: With three four eight?
SEVEN: Two oh one, code responses are not necessary.
ROBERTA: Listen, friend, maybe I'd just better call the police right now.
SEVEN: Sit down.
ROBERTA: Who do you think you are?
SEVEN: I said sit down.
ROBERTA: Okay, I will.
SEVEN: I'll say one thing for you. You play your role well. But that is no longer necessary. I'm Supervisor one nine four, code name Gary Seven. I need a complete report
ROBERTA: Report.
SEVEN: Yes, report. Everything you have done for the past three Earth days.
(He gestures to the typewriter.)
ROBERTA: Oh. Everything I've done?
SEVEN: Everything you've done.
ROBERTA: Well, okay. (puts a sheet of paper in it.) Well, let's see.
SEVEN: Not with your fingers.
(He flicks a switch on the side of the machine.)
ROBERTA: Well, how do you expect me to type, with my nose? Did you see that? The machine typed everything I. It's typing everything I'm saying! Stop it. Stop it! Stop it! (He turns it off.) Okay. That does it. I quit!
SEVEN: Wait a minute.
ROBERTA: I'm quitting right now!
SEVEN: You're not acting, are you?
ROBERTA: Acting? I'm leaving. Goodbye. (Seven locks the door remotely with his pen.) Hey. Hey!
(Seven activates a green cube on the desk.)
SEVEN: Tie in to computer.
COMPUTER: Computer on.
SEVEN: Scan unidentified female present.
COMPUTER: Roberta Lincoln. Human. Profession, secretary. Employed by three four seven and two oh one. Description. Age twenty, five feet seven inches, one hundred twenty pounds, hair presently tinted honey blonde. Although behaviour appears erratic, possesses high IQ. Birthmarks
COMPUTER: Small mole on left shoulder. Somewhat larger star-shaped mark on her
ROBERTA: Hey, watch it! Okay, I'll bite. What is it?
SEVEN: Miss Lincoln. Miss Lincoln, What kind of work did your employers say they were doing here?
ROBERTA: Research for a new encyclopaedia? No? No.
SEVEN: All right. You can go. Of course, if you do, you won't be helping your country. Unless you don't care about that.
ROBERTA: Sure, I care. What do you think I am?
SEVEN: I don't know, Miss Lincoln, what you are, not yet. All I know is that my incompetence has made you aware of very secret devices that are vital to the security of this nation.
ROBERTA: Oh. Well, what are you guys around here, anyway? FBI? Some kind of government agents, huh? (The cat enters as he hands her one of his new IDs) CIA. Very groovy.
SEVEN: Thank you, Isis. I'll be right in. (Isis leaves) It's a trained cat, Just like guard dogs, that kind of thing.
SEVEN: Don't let anybody in here. I'll be busy.
(Outside the apartment building.)
KIRK: Scotty,
[Transporter room]
KIRK [OC]: Triangulate on this location.
SCOTT: Correlated. Readings indicate a greater altitude. Approximately thirty metres higher, sir.
KIRK: Out.
[Apartment - main room]
COMPUTER: Occurrence, automobile accident. Location Highway nine four nine, ten miles north of McKinley Rocket Base. Agents three four seven and two oh one were killed instantly.
SEVEN: That just doesn't make sense. For them to die in something as useless as an automobile accident. Are the facts verified?
COMPUTER: Verified. Descriptions of bodies are exact.
SEVEN;Computer,what other data can you tell me?
COMPUTER;Evidence suggest the accident was not a simple random accurence.
COMPUTER;Records suggest the automobile collided another in a high rate of accelloration.The occupants of that vehicle survived,but evacuated the scene of the accident.
SEVEN:The Omegans,operatives of Counter Strike.
SEVEN;And what they doing here,other than preventing Agents three four seven and two oh one from completing their Assigntment,here on Earth.Preventing them,from stopping I came here to help them to prevent.
COMPUTER:Additional Data.The same Omegan Agents were witnessed in the location of McKinley Rocket Base.
SEVEN:Presumedly,to create an international incident,that will leed to a Third World War-something that should accure here for decades.
COMPUTER;Warning.My external sensors indicate two unwanted agents have entered this dwelling elevation plateform.
SEVEN:What ?Why the hell didn’t tell me…never mind.Computer Screen on.Given an image of the outside corridor.
[Apartment building]
(Kirk and Spock step out of the elevator by apartment 12A)
KIRK: Go ahead, Scotty.
SCOTT: Proceed five metres, two four seven degrees true.
(They arrive outside 12B, and Kirk rings the doorbell.)
[Apartment - office]
Inside Mister Seven Apartment,the Beta 5 computer projects an image of Captain Kirk and Spock outside the office.
SEVEN: Kirk and Spock.The meddling fools.
SEVEN: Computer off.
(Roberta answers the door to the office as the computer hides behind the bookcase again.)
KIRK; Where's Mister Seven?
ROBERTA: I don't know what you're talking about. Listen, you guys can't come in here.
KIRK: Where's Mister Seven?
[Apartment - main room]
Isis is walking about Gary Sevens feet.meowing.
SEVEN;No doll.We’ll have rely on Miss Licoln to delay them.
(Gary Seven moves over to the huge safe and produces his pen like Servo wand.Twine antenna sproutoutward.The lock twice and makes a series of tones,as unlocking mechanisms begin to operation and open the safeguard measures.Seven activates the safe-cum-transporter.)
ROBERTA [OC]: You can't come in here. Now, get out. What do you think you're doing? This is a government office.
(Seven picks up Isis and leaves.)
[Apartment - office]
ROBERTA: Neither one of you can come in here.
KIRK: Where's Mister Seven?
ROBERTA: This is against the rules.
SPOCK: In here, Captain. (at door to main room)
ROBERTA: What do you think you're doing? You want me to (picks up the telephone) Send the police. Eight Eleven East Sixty Eighth Street, apartment twelve B.
KIRK: Give me the phone.
[Apartment - main room]
(Seven is setting the dial on the 'safe')
ROBERTA [OC]: No, get your hands off of me, you big jerk! Who do you think you are? Let go!
[Apartment - office]
(There's a physical tussle going on between Kirk and Roberta.)
ROBERTA: What do you think you're doing, you big jerk? What's the big idea?
[Apartment - main room]
ROBERTA [OC]: Mister Seven, help! Help!
[Apartment - office]
(Spock takes over from Kirk in manhandling Roberta.)
ROBERTA: Let go of me! Stop it! Don't go in there! What's the big idea? Get your hands off of me! I mean it!
(She pulls off his hat and sees his ears and eyebrows.) What are you?
(Kirk blasts open the connecting door as Seven with Isis in his arms,walks to the mass  of swirling,blue smoke to dematerialises and the safe door shuts itself.)
[McKinley Rocket Base]
(The huge metal corrugated doors splite open and the same swirling,blue smoke appears. Carrying Isis, Seven walks out of Assembly Area B-10 hangar - warning, liquid hydrogen - into the early morning sunshine. Or late afternoon. The shadows are fairly long.
TANNOY: Attention. Stand by for launch area clearance. It is now sixty minutes to launch. T minus sixty and counting.
(Seven looks upward  the big white US rocket stands gleaming on its launch gantry.)
SEVEN;Yes,Isis primitive,but effective for it’s purposes.
Isis meows.Something nearby is bothering the feline.
SEVEN;I know.There here somewhere above-undetected by the Earth people of this era.As long as we can keep anymore interference from Captain Kirk and the Earth ship from the future,we may avoid what I fear might happen if the Enterprise gets any further involved.
Isis meows again.
SEVEN;I know,but we can’t allow them to help,doll.Their ignorance of this time period,makes as danderous as those we fight against.The Aegis believes we can’t take the chance and reply on their help.They know nothing of the Temporal Cold War,that involves the people of this era and those of decades to come.There’s already to corruption of this and other near by timelines.
Suddenly,Mister Seven’s Servo beeps within his suites inside breast pocket.
SEVEN;Come on,tharts a warning we get going.
[Apartment - main room]
(Kirk finds the plans to the rocket base lying on the table.)
[Apartment - office]
KIRK: Where's Mister Seven?
ROBERTA: I'm warning you, I've already called the police.
KIRK: Plans to McKinley Rocket Base.
[Apartment building corridor]
POLICE 1: There it is, Charlie. Open up in there. Police.
(Roberta manages to shout before Spock can get his hand over her mouth.)
POLICE 1: Open up in there! It's the police!
[Apartment - office]
KIRK: Wide scan, Scotty. We'll be moving. Spock, in here. Spock!
(They go into the main room and Roberta dashes to open the door to the police.)
ROBERTA: In there!
[Apartment - main room]
KIRK: Now, Scotty!
POLICE 1: What's going on here?
[Transporter room]
(Kirk, Spock and the two policemen are beamed up. Kirk and Spock dash off the transporter pad leaving the flat-foots standing, slack-jawed.)
KIRK: Reverse and energise.
POLICE 1: Charlie.
(They are beamed back into the apartment, watched by Roberta.)
[McKinley Rocket Base - launch control]
Gary Seven,this carrying Isis,moves over to Cromwell’s car,produces his Servo and actives it.He points it at the vehicles trunk and sonic sound issues From it.The trunk door suddenly opens.
Isis meows.
SEVEN;Not exactly style,but it will get us there unnoticed.
[McKinley Rocket Base - launch control]
Somewhere above three Omegan Agents are atop the Rocket Gantry,
[McKinley Rocket Base - launch control]
TANNOY: Attention. It is now fifty minutes to launch. T minus fifty and counting. All systems clear. All systems clear. Standing by for inspection of launch pad.
[Outside Launch Control]
(Seven is standing next to launch director Cromwell's car.)
LIPTON: (a security guard) You! Speak to you a moment?
SEVEN: Yeah, sure, Sarge. (hands over his NSA ID) There it is.
LIPTON: I'll have to confirm this, Colonel.
SEVEN: All right.
LIPTON: Just put the cat down and keep your hands at your side.
SEVEN: All right.
LIPTON: (into telephone) Give me security. Identification check.
SEVEN: Be careful, lsis. Don't get stepped on.
LIPTON: Yes, security?
(Isis yowls, distracting the guard. Seven whips out his 'pen' and zaps the guard into immobility.)
SEVEN: (into telephone) Security, this is Sergeant Lipton, and we're all straightened out down here. Right, thank you very much. Goodbye. All right, Sergeant. Now let's just turn right around. We're going to walk this way. You just sit right down right right there and have a little nap.
(Grinning inanely, the guard sits on the ground by the building and goes to sleep.) TANNOY: Attention. It is now forty five minutes to launch. T minus forty five and counting. All systems clear. All systems clear.
[Launch Control]
TANNOY: Standby for inspection of launch pad.
CROMWELL: Heading for the gantry. Sound alert.
[Rocket gantry Elevator]

The three Omegan Agents are moving away from the rocket warhead nosecone.
Omegan Agent Number One;Operation World War Three begins.
Omegan Agent Number Two;Once we clear the area,we can begin transport

TANNOY: Attention. First alert. First alert. Begin clearing gantry area. Clear launch pad. Safety group, clear launch pad. All systems continue to green. Repeat. All systems still green. Standing by for inspection of launch pad.
(Cromwell gets into his car outside launch control and drives away. Remember, we last saw Seven by this car.)
[Transporter room]
SCOTT: There's an old-style weather satellite in orbit below us. If I could bounce off it, I could get some good views. I've got it.
(An image of the rocket is on the wall monitor.)
SCOTT: I could get even closer. If I could spot him, I could lock on and beam him up.
SPOCK: Chances are he's out of sight inside the rocket gantry or at one of the control centres.
KIRK: Launch is in forty minutes. Stand by to beam us down. Continue visual scan.
[McKinley Rocket Base]
TANNOY: Attention. Stand by for launch area clearance. Range safety verified. Launch director now en route to rocket gantry to confirm launch pad clear. Ground stations three, four and eleven, stand by for confirmation. Repeat. Standby for launch area clearance.
(Cromwell and a couple of military men arrive in their cars at the base of the rocket.)
NESVIG: Mister Cromwell.
CROMWELL: Launch director at gantry, beginning final check.
TANNOY: Attention. It is now thirty five minutes to launch. T minus thirty five minutes and counting.
(Cromwell's car boot opens, and Seven and Isis get out.)
TANNOY: Canary Islands confirming they are go for the launch. All ground stations confirm go.
(The three officials return to their cars.)
NESVIG: Lock the elevator at the top, Lieutenant. Time to get out of here.
TANNOY: Attention. Clear launch pad. Repeat. Clear launch pad and gantry.
(The officials drive away.Seven and Isis hiding among the shadows approach the Rocket Gantry Elevator.The door swings open and three Omegan Agents are confronted by Mister Seven.The Aegis Secret agents with draws his Servo)
SEVEN :Hold it.
Before anything can done,the three Omegans lunge toward Gary Seven.Isis jumps out of Gary Sevens arms.One gets hit and Servo blast renders him dizzie.Another withdraws a Servo device of his own,but a much more cruder version than Mister Seven and aims it at The Aegis Secret agents.Isis moving about the Omegans feet,distracting them and Gary Seven deflects the enemy Servo blast with his own.Quickly,the Second Omegan Agent moves,but is tripped by Isis.Seven then stuns him.He then quickly gets the drop on Omegan Agent Number One. me everything I want to know.And when I everything,I mean everything.
Omegan Agent Number One:Even if you do learn anything,you still won’t win.The warheads already armed and ready to go under our total control.
SEVEN;Well,Doll.We will see about that
[McKinley Rocket Base-somewhere unknown]
There darken silhouettes move within a hidden room.
UNSEEN FIGURE;The Omegans have failed.Deactive them-immediately.
And as Gary Seven looks on,the three Omegans disappear in three puffs of swirling smoke.
[McKinley Rocket Base]

 Seven and Isis are in the elevator heading for the top of the rocket.)
[Outside Launch Control]
(Lipton, the guard that Seven put to sleep, wakes up as Kirk and Spock beam in.)
LIPTON: Freeze! One move and you've both had it.
[Launch Control]
SECURITY [OC]: Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Security to launch director. We have unidentified intruders. Males. A pair. Do you want to delay countdown?
[Apartment - main room]
(Roberta is talking to the green cube.)
ROBERTA: All right, don't answer, but you can tell him I quit. You can tell him I promise not to tell anybody anything. He's safe, and you're safe, my little green friend. (the box flashes twice) Same to you.
(She sits on the desk and accidentally knocks the 'desk pen' that controls the safe door. Intrigued, she investigates.)
[McKinley Rocket Base]
(A crowd is gathering a few miles away to watch the launch.)
TANNOY: Attention. Twenty minutes to launch. T minus twenty minutes and counting. All systems continue green. Repeat. All systems still green.
[Rocket Gantry]
(Seven is lying along one of the girders supporting the rocket, at a control panel access. Isis is meowing instructions.)
SEVEN: Yes, thank you. I know how to open it. (with his ubiquitous pen) I know there's not much time.
(He starts fiddling with the wiring inside.)
[Launch Control]
(Two communicators and two phasers are on the launch controllers console. Lipton's boss is doing the interrogation.)
NESVIG: These are all they were carrying.
TANNOY: T minus fifteen minutes and counting.
NESVIG: You've got a chance, and I'll offer it only this once. The slightest possible charges will be brought against you if you identify yourselves and tell us why you're here.
TANNOY: To delay countdown.
CROMWELL: No sign of trouble on my boards. Launch director, confirm status all systems.
TANNOY: Control to launch director, confirming. Status board indicates all is well. Space flight conditions measure out as planned.
CROMWELL: Continue countdown.
TANNOY: No countdown delay. Repeat, no delay. All systems are green and go. All systems are go.
[Rocket Gantry]
TANNOY: T minus fourteen and counting.
SEVEN: Meow? You are nervous, aren't you, doll? All right. I'm going as fast as I can.
[Launch Control]
TANNOY: T minus thirteen minutes and counting. Status board looks good. Stages look good. All systems go. Status board says go.
[Transporter room]
(Scott is continuing his visual search for Seven, and finally spots him at the top of the rocket.)
SCOTT: Security, send two men up here right away.
[Launch Control]
TANNOY: T minus eight minutes and counting. All systems go. Status board go.
[Apartment - main room]
(Roberta's fiddling with the safe door finally makes it open.)
[Transporter room]
SCOTT: Stand by. I'm going to beam him up.
(Seven seems to hear and feel the effects of the Starship Enterprise attempting to lock in on him and beam his up.
SEVEN;By Aegis,blast them.Interfering again.If only,I can activate my safe transporter.
(On the gantry, Seven feels the transporter effect and sits up, holding Isis.
Aboard the USS Enterprise Transport pad Gary Seven still in a seated position.
SCOTT:We got a piece of him,but somethings interfering with transport beams.
[Apartment - main room]
COMPUTER;Emergency Safe Transport activate
In the apartment, Roberta fiddles with knobs on the inside of the safe door and pulls him away from the Enterprise.)
[Transporter room]
Upon the transport pad,Gary Sevens teleport images flickers and disappears,cuddled in a vail of blue smoke.With that,Mister Seven disappears and is gone.

SCOTT: I had him and something yanked him away.
[Apartment - main room]
(Seven gets up from the floor of the safe.)
SEVEN: What are you doing? I wasn't finished.
ROBERTA: I'm sorry. I just touched that button right there and then wow!
SEVEN: You must have intercepted the Enterprise trying to beam me on board. Computer on.
(The bookcase opens up.)
SEVEN: Lock into launch site scan.
COMPUTER: One minute to launch.
ROBERTA: Oh, my gosh!
SEVEN;Roberta,I have no time to explain
Captain's log, supplemental. Spock and I in custody. Even if we talked, they wouldn't believe us. We're powerless to stop Mister Seven or prevent the launch, or even be certain if we should. I have never felt so helpless.
[Apartment - main room]
COMPUTER: Thirty seconds to launch.
ROBERTA: Look, hey, I mean, not even the CIA could do all this.
[Launch Control]
TANNOY: T minus twenty seconds. Mark. Stages reporting ready for launch. Automatic sequences on. She's completely automatic now.
[Apartment - main room]
COMPUTER: Fifteen seconds to launch. Ten seconds.
[Launch Control]
TANNOY: Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Ignition. We have ignition.
(NASA footage of the powerful rocket lifting off and being tracked by radio telescopes.)
TANNOY: Altitude one thousand feet. All good. All as planned. Trajectory nominal.
[Apartment - main room]
COMPUTER: Rocket passing twenty mile arc and accelerating.
SEVEN: Computer, adjustments at the rocket base were not completed. Can I still take over the rocket as planned?
COMPUTER: Rocket control possible with exceiver circuits operated manually.
SEVEN: Exceiver on manual. Lock into flight telemetry. Visual off.
(Roberta backs away and picks up the telephone. Isis meows a warning and Seven uses his pen to sever the cord.)
SEVEN: Roberta, please don't try to leave. You'll find all the doors locked. Are you jealous, Isis? It's most unbecoming.
COMPUTER: Rocket altitude now one hundred miles. Standing by to begin malfunction as planned.
SEVEN: Begin malfunction at third stage.
COMPUTER: Exceiver setting now nine zero point zero eight.
SEVEN: Nine zero point zero eight.
COMPUTER: Second stage ready to detach.
SEVEN: Visual on.
COMPUTER: Second stage detaching.
(The famous shot of a rocket stage falling away back to Earth.)
COMPUTER: Third stage igniting.
SEVEN: Begin malfunction. Take it off course.
COMPUTER: Malfunction setting correct. Rocket veering from planned course.
[Launch Control]
CROMWELL: Give me the readings fast.
NESVIG: What is it?
CROMWELL: Malfunction. Rocket is deviating from programmed flight path.
TANNOY: Safety, standby to destruct. Continuing deviation from flight path. Repeat, deviation confirmed and increasing. Telemetry control transmitter systems tie in. All systems tie in. Report.
[Apartment - main room]
SEVEN:I can’t seem to disarm the warhead from here.Whatever they did,it must be very good.
COMPUTER: Affirmative.
SEVEN:Then there is only one thing I can do.
Seven moves several controls.
SEVEN: Arm the warhead.
COMPUTER: Accomplished. Nuclear warhead now armed. Set exceiver nine one point two one eight.
(Roberta picks up a cigar box.)
SEVEN: Exceiver nine one point two one eight.
(Uhura is scanning broadcasts in different languages.)
SCOTT [OC]: Scott here.
CHEKOV: Sensor shows that the rocket has armed itself, Mister Scott.
SULU: Computers indicate an impact somewhere in the heart of the Euro-Asian continent.
CHEKOV: We've still time to enter close orbit and destroy it with our phaser, sir.
UHURA: They're beginning to worry on Earth, Mister Scott.
[Transporter room]
UHURA [OC]: I'm getting military alerts from the major powers.
SCOTT: I've got to risk calling the captain. Lieutenant Uhura, open a channel.
UHURA: Aye, aye.
[Launch Control]
TANNOY: Warhead status confirmed. She's armed herself somehow. Repeat. This bird is armed. The warhead's alive. All boards report status. Stand by on destruct. Standby to transmit destruct signal.
NESVIG: How could the warhead arm itself?
CROMWELL: We don't know.
NESVIG: You can destroy it, of course.
CROMWELL: If we can't, we're going to lay an H bomb on somebody somewhere. Ready on destruct signal. Destruct.
TANNOY: Transmit destruct signal. Transmit destruct signal.
(Kirk picks up a communicator, but Lipton hears the chirp as he opens it.)
LIPTON: Get back over there.
[Apartment - main room]
(Roberta hits Seven over the head with the cigar box.)
ROBERTA: Look, I'm sorry, but like you asked me, I do care about my country, and you can't be CIA.
(She takes his pen from his pocket.)
COMPUTER: Orbital platform separating.
ROBERTA: Hold it!
SEVEN: Computer, rocket status.
ROBERTA: Hold it, Mister Seven. I'm telling you, you're through monkeying around with my country's rocket.
COMPUTER: Warhead still armed. Six minutes to impact.
ROBERTA: Hold it! Don't move! You did enough already!
SEVEN: You've got to let me finish what I started, or in six minutes World War Three begins.
COMPUTER: Flight path continuing on target.
[Launch Control]
TANNOY: Destruct is fouled up somehow, flight control. She's coming down fully armed. She'll go off on impact.
CROMWELL: What? Try again! Boost the signal!
TANNOY: Boosting signal. Boosting signal. Flight control, we have boosted destruct signal. Repeat. Destruct signal at maximum boost.
SCOTT [OC]: (over the open communicator) Captain, can you read me? I was beaming up Mister Seven, and something yanked him away from me.
LIPTON: Hello? Hello, come in.
SPOCK: Here, let me help you, Sergeant. It's operated with this dial here.
(Neck pinches Lipton and Kirk gets to the communicator.)
TANNOY: We're getting no response.
CROMWELL: Make absolutely certain. Check everything again.
TANNOY: Tracking stations report no response on destruct signal.
KIRK: Scotty, beam us directly to Seven's apartment.
TANNOY: Auxiliary transmitters check out flight control. She hasn't destructed herself. Repeat. Destruct is not working. She's still up there. Do you read? Descending and armed. Descending and armed. She'll go off on impact. Bermuda ground station reports she's still up there. South Africa ground station reports no response on boosted destruct signal.
CROMWELL: (picks up the red telephone) Get me the president.
[Apartment - main room]
COMPUTER: Rocket descending and accelerating. Do you have further instructions, one nine four?
SEVEN: Roberta, you've got to believe me. Look, a truly advanced planet wouldn't use force. They wouldn't come here in strange alien forms. The best of all possible methods would be to take human beings to their world, train them for generations until they're needed here.
ROBERTA: Mister Seven, I want to believe you. I do. I know this world needs help. That's why some of my generation are kind of crazy and rebels, you know. We wonder if we're going to be alive when we're thirty.
COMPUTER: Two minutes to impact.
KIRK: Hold it right there, Mister Seven.
ROBERTA: Oh, no.
KIRK: Spock, you're the expert. Can you detonate the warhead from this computer?
SPOCK: I can try, Captain.
COMPUTER: Altitude five hundred fifty miles.
SEVEN: Captain, I want that warhead detonated, too. Unless I do it at least a hundred miles above ground, just barely in time to frighten them out of this arms race
SCOTT [OC]: Captain, monitors show all major powers on full missile alert. Retaliatory strike ordered on warhead impact.
COMPUTER: Altitude four hundred and fifty miles.
KIRK: Spock.
SPOCK: I can estimate some of this, Captain, but without more time
SEVEN: Captain, he can only guess. Will you please let me do my job.
KIRK: I don't know what your job is! You may set those controls so we can't detonate that warhead.
ROBERTA: (pointing the pen at Kirk) Listen you, get away from him.
SEVEN: (grabbing the pen from her) Roberta, be careful. The servo is set to kill.
(He hands the pen to Kirk.)
COMPUTER: Altitude four hundred miles.
SEVEN: There are only seconds. I'll need time to set it.
ROBERTA: Please. He's telling the truth.
COMPUTER: Fifty five seconds to impact.
KIRK: Spock, if you can't handle it, I'm going to have to trust him.
SPOCK: It is difficult to know which is best, Captain.
COMPUTER: Forty seconds to impact.
SPOCK: Without facts, the decision cannot be made logically. You must rely on your human intuition.
COMPUTER: Altitude three hundred miles. Descending and accelerating.
COMPUTER: Thirty seconds and accelerating.
SEVEN: Computer, go to visual. Count by tens.
COMPUTER: One hundred ninety miles. One hundred eighty miles. One hundred seventy miles. One hundred sixty miles. One hundred fifty, one hundred forty, one hundred thirty, one hundred twenty. (there's a bright flash) Detonation one hundred four miles.
(Big sighs of relief all round.)
(Later, Gary Seven is dictating his report to the special typewriter. Kirk and Spock are back in uniform.)
SEVEN: And in spite of the accidental interference with history by the Earth ship from the future, the mission was completed.
SPOCK: Correction, Mister Seven. It appears we did not interfere. The Enterprise was part of what was supposed to happen on this day in 1968.
(Suddenly Isis has transformed from a black cat to a dark haired woman in a black outfit.)
KIRK: Our record tapes show, although not generally revealed, that on this date, a malfunctioning suborbital warhead was exploded exactly one hundred and four miles above the Earth.
SEVEN: So everything happened the way it was supposed to.
SPOCK: And you'll be pleased our records show that it resulted in a new and stronger international agreement against the use of such weapons.
ROBERTA: Would you mind telling me who that is?
SEVEN: That, Miss Lincoln, is simply my cat.
ROBERTA: Your cat?
(She's a cat again, who decides to scratch behind her own ear.)
SEVEN: What else do your record tapes show?
KIRK: I'm afraid we can't reveal everything we know, Mister Seven.
SPOCK: Captain, we could say that Mister Seven and Miss Lincoln have some interesting experiences in store for them.
KIRK: Yes, I think we could say that. Two to beam up, Scotty.
SPOCK: Live long and prosper, Mister Seven.
KIRK: And the same to you, Miss Lincoln. Energise.

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