Sunday, August 10, 2008


PRINCE LASAR vs Prince Lasar Sarkhon.
Adam Warlock is basically,a great Marvel character,fucked over by Roy Thomas,attempting to give this character,sourse material,freely lifted from the Bible-spefically the New Testiment,various Christian Mythology,Jesus Christ specifically,which led him to Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land,the story about Micael Valintine Smith-a messianic figure.Roy Thomas,desided throw other popular Christ figures-Superman.Marvel has tried recreated a Superman with both Golden Age heroes Captain America and Prince Namor-the Sub-Mariner.Fuck all that over stated Rymme of the Ancient Mariner shit,Bill Everett,was trying to create a underwater Tarzan-one of Superman's inspiration figures,which led to creating Prince Namor.Captain America's another version of the Superman.The Mighty Thor,at Marvel Comics,might have inspired by Stan Lee,to create a Super God character,but that simply sound his way of admitting he wanted to create another Superman for Marvel and not directly say so.He simply barrowed an element from another Superman type the Original Captain Marvel-the switch idenities concept.Billy Batson transforms into Captain Marvel,by way of a magic word Shazam-that the smart in the audience,who know,this isn't Captain Marvels name and he's just the first version of the Kree Captain Marvel.Anyway,Don Blake uses a cane to become the superman like Thor.Ever wonder why this Asguardian had a big red cape like Superman and could fly,when the origal Nordic Mythology one did not have a big red cape and could fly,via his Mjornir Hammer,now you know..So it's too far to figure that Good Old Adam Warlock,an artificial created Superman,would be compared to other comic book Supermen. It dosen't a simply minded retard,to figure Thomas,whether he'll admit this one or not looked to a popular rock musical called Jesus Christ Superstar for inspiration for his re-invention of ''Him'',into the Christ like Adam Warlock.Looking around,we can figure,Roy Thomas looked to another rock opera at there,at the late 1960's and early 1970's-Godspell.This another rock musical,based on Jesus Christ.The lead actor portraying Christ wore a Superman t-shirt.Ok,unless your an idiot,you might understand what you can get away on a musical stage,you can't do so,when your DC Comic's greatest compeditor comic publisher.What can you do to imatate Godspell's Jesus Christ figure ?You can't give your hero-Adam Warlock a big Red ''S''on his chest without your compeditor threatenning a major lawsuite.Believe me,Fawcett Comics had one in the 1950's with National Comics-the comic company that original put out Superman comics before they became known as DC Comics one,major pain in the ass law suite.Marvel Comics had enough problem with distribution from DC,that didn't a law suite,too between Superman and Adam Warlock.Well,Captain Marvels up for grabs.Marvel's putting a trademarked version of their own-you know the Kree Carpain Mar-Vell-Marvel Captain Marvel.Look to the Original Captain Marvel,who had a big Thunderbolt on his chest.Give Warlock that and there you go.Now,you know why Adam Warlock had on his chest.Roy Thomas loved the Original Captain Marvel and show up here with Adam Warlock and later with the other Marvel Captain Mar-Vell-elements popping in.
Well,Roy Thomas desided to toss in elents from various movies about then.Journey to the Far Side of the Sun,where an Astroid finds himself on a Counter Earth-where things are backwards.He'd put Adam Warlock there,instead of the usual Regular Marvel Comics Earth,of all the standard heroes,because Warlock's Earth,had Island of Doctor Moreau elvolved animal creatures running about,by way of the High Evolutionary.Can't that around with Spider-Man,the Fanastic Four or the Avengers about.Adam Warlock's Soul Gem,more hippie mystic human soul,Jedi Knight Force type of thing,that the later Vapire Elric of Melnibone type of thing,gave his deus Ex Mechina super powers.The High Evolutionary sent his so called only son to save the earth,in hopes his book would sell as well as Jor-Els Only Son Superman's book did.Well,actually this Roy Thomas and Marvel Comics.

Well,the book Power of Warlock bombed because despite some neat elements,Superman,Captain Marvel,Jesus Christ Superstar,Michael Valintine Smith,Godspell,Doctor Moreau,Counter Earth and all the above mentioned stuff,the book was simply terribly written.Like Killraven and Deathlock,the creators could handle anything that wasn't in the standard superhereo format-superheroes vs villian.crime capers,mad scientist and big 22 page fight scenes,the book could not write itself.Marvel was cooless,Roy Thomas was clueless,Michael Freicrich was certainly clueless.Warlock beat the Man Beast,in the pages of the Hulk,because his comic stunk,not because the stories were any kind of Star Wars epic material.Now,that his book failed,Adam Warlock made a little speech and flew off into space-hoping to bring his Christ presence to other worlds and defeat other evil guys like the Man Beast.Too,bad Warlock wasn't in the Matrix.His story may haved worked better,than the missmash of standard hack boy fan boy shit,that often passes for professional comic writting then and sometimes now a days.

Now,we come Jim Starlin,he had some success ripping off Jack Kirby's New God Saga-an overated 11 issue piece of shit work,much overated by Kirby and his Kiryites,with the Captain Mar-vell Cosmic Cube Saga,where Darkseis-imatator Thantos tried and failed like a total asshole to pretend to be a God,via the Cosmic Cube.Mar-Vell,beat his ass royally,despite everyone claim Thantos was a god-more like pathetic asswhipe,with powers to animate stone versions of himself and stupid shit throwing buildings at Captain Marvel.No,wonder he lost,so quickly,when Marvel shattered the cube with a kiratai chop.
Starlin,after reading Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone deside to re-invent Marvel Jesus Christ of Counter Earth Adam Warlock,who was traelling through space on a Ray Bradberry inspired Messianic visit to other world,so he could do his Christ thing there,
Starlin toosed lots of nice stuff,but again,despite being better his previous storyline,Warlock eventually bombed again.Him fighting his future Alter ego-the Magus and Universal Church of Thuth,might have above most peoples heads.With the introduction of Gamera,Pip and adding of Thantos was good,but there was alot that was very stupid,that the clown shit in one of the middle issues,the exremely retarded Star Theif shit,where not only did a braindead asshole,claim he could steal stars and place in various dimensional regions of his fantastic godlike brain,but keep the planets around lite with the minimum of light and ice age winter temporatures,plus fool Adam Warlock into thinking he could travel into Black Holes and expand bigger than our solar system. Confusing ?Yes,it was when Jim Starlin did understand how star warm planets,nore the amount of power it would take for someone to transport a star into another dimension or that just by travelling further into space and Adam Warlock growing to titanic size,had nothing to do the Expanding Universe theory-which is star moving further and further apart over eons.Warlock bombed and once again his stuff was wrapped into other comics-one where Spider-Man was running around like a fucking asshole,smashing shit because,Adam Warlocks final Chapter were in the pages the equilly aways bad Marvel monthly team up books.
Warlock dies and that was it-if you forget the Her shit later on,where nothing really happen,escept Marvel tried to do away with Counter Earth,by moving into another part of space away from the standard Marvel Earth.Sometime,I wish they do that with their regular Marvel Earth-shoot it and their no longer relavant 1960'S Superheroes down into a black hole-forever.

Adam Warlock shows up in the Jim Starlin epic load of shit the Infinity Guanlet,where everyone gets to kick Thantos 's stupid ass again-this time because he's selling words with worlds-which impoosable despite the Infinity Guanlets god like powers.Even God,has play by the rules,he's set for reality,but not Jim Starlin.He throw planets and stars at characters,like some 5 year old,too stupid to understand,this shit can't happen,no matter how imaginitif he or she is.
People loved-I didn't,so like Marvel Zombies it spawned more shit like The Infinity War Saga,the Infinity Cruasade Saga,the Infinity Tiolet Saga,the Infinity Turd Saga,the Infility Plunger Saga and the Infinity Flush Saga.
Jim Starlin went one with Adam Warlock and Infinity Watch comic.It had maybe three issues before Jim Starlin made lots of bone head mistakes.,like bring back the Man Beast again,putting them on Marvels Earth-specifically Monster Island of the Mole Man-duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.The Count Abyss shit was Darkseid,Thantos,Magus warmed over,with guy,who looked like that other Jim Starlin character Darklon.I stopped reading and I guess so did the rest of you did.The booked bombed again.I guess,Marvels put Adam Warlock out again,but this I wasn't there,so whatever happened I can't tell you.
Now,it sound I hate Adam Warlock.I don't I like him.Despite,his periods of brooding about his Soul Gem and all that I like him.Warlock just needs to trime out all the deverse crap in his storyline.He needs never again to meet three major villians-the Man Beast,Thantos and the Magus-he's been there-defeated that.He's got to go onto other villians-other challenges,not standard Marvel like revisit those old again and again.Marvel characters simply revisit asswhip villian from their past.As Galactus needs to die and never return in the pages of the Fantastic Four,Doc Ock and the Green Goblin needs never return in the pages of Spider Man,those need to never show up ever again.Fucj comic fan boys that can't accept change,nor the creators,thinking they are the well of story content for a successful storyline.
What should Adam Warlock,anything bout revisit those past storlines-get on with Second life-go out in space-kill Galactus and any of Marvel Comics outer space dead weight.


I've somewhat based my Prince Lasar Sarkhon,on what preceive is the good Adam Warock material,-the heroic Jesus Christ Saga,God sends his only son to save the humanity,he teams up with 12 guys-here heroes-like the Magnificent Seven-only 12 heroes,the dark villians out to stop him,the Space Opera material,the scope of the epic stuff,that threatens society,the Passion of the Christ,trial,crusifiction and resurrection,that saves humanity.Then follow it up with the Anti Christ and a great war to end evil,where humanity enters into a new Golden Age.

Doc Thompson
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PRINCE LASAR SARKHON-First Son of Atlantis-Prime.First Son of Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon and Supreme Lady Castria Sarkhon.

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Prince Lasar Sarkhon; Time-Sorcerer, brother to Prince Joshua Adam Sarkhon, Prince Alexander Sarkhon, Princess Alexandria Sarkhon.



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Adam Warlock
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Adam Warlock
Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance (as Him) Fantastic Four #66 (Sep 1967)
(as Adam Warlock) Marvel Premiere #1
Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

Alter ego Him
affiliations Infinity Watch
Abilities Superhuman strength, durability, velocity and agility,
Ability to survive in the vacuum of space,
Skilled in stealth,
Wields Karma staff

Adam Warlock, also known as Him, is a fictional character who originated in comic books published by Marvel Comics, which owns all trademarks and copyrights pertaining to the character. Warlock was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, who wrote and drew his first appearances in Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #66 & 67. However, a later body of work by Jim Starlin has come to be generally regarded as the definitive portrayal of the character.

1 Publication history
2 Fictional character biography
2.1 Him
2.2 Thanos & The Magus
2.3 The Infinity Gauntlet
2.4 Infinity Abyss and further adventures
2.5 2004 Warlock miniseries
2.6 Recent developments
3 Powers and abilities
4 In other media
5 Trivia
6 Bibliography
6.1 Solo series and features
6.2 Reprints
6.3 On Warlock
7 Notes and references

[edit] Publication history
Adam Warlock originally first appeared as "Him" in Fantastic Four #66 (Sep 1967), created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

In 1972 star Marvel creative team Roy Thomas and Gil Kane decided to revive Him as a hero, renaming him "Adam Warlock" and testing him out in the first two issues of the new "tryout" series Marvel Premiere. Apparently reception was good, since they gave Warlock his own eponymous series. The series was not successful; by issue #2 creators Thomas and Kane had minimal involvement, and the plots became redundant, including unpopular twists on classic Marvel characters with inconsistent artwork. The sales were so low that the magazine was discontinued with issue #8 (Oct. 1973), ending with a cliffhanger. The storyline was finally concluded months later in the pages of The Incredible Hulk issues #176-178 (June-Aug, 1974).

Many famous comic characters experience a sort of "new origin"; a certain writer or artist (or occasionally both) does a defining run on the feature, solidifying the character beyond their original creation; Alan Moore's run on Swamp Thing, for instance, or Frank Miller's work on both Daredevil and Batman. Comics auteur Jim Starlin has played a similar role for more than one Marvel hero; he brought his talents to bear on Warlock beginning in Feb. 1975 in Strange Tales #178. Starlin began with a brief outline of the character's history thus far.

After Strange Tales #181, the series continued directly to the now-resurrected Warlock #9 (the consecutive issues 8 and 9 having been separated by two years and seven Warlock appearances in other titles). Starlin continued the Warlock vs. His Future Self storyline, and incorporated a continuation of the story of his mad villain Thanos, who was the focus of Starlin's epic run on Captain Marvel (#25-33, March 1973 - July 1974) and who continues to be his most returned-to character today. Starlin's combination of under-the-radar philosophy, complex plotline, and psychedelic cosmic art was not immensely popular until years later, but it was popular enough for the Warlock series to continue under his control, even after the Magus story was concluded. After a few issues outside of the epic storylines (including a story involving a comatose earthling called the Star Thief slowly destroying the universe, and concluding with Warlock apparently too physically large to go back to Earth due to a twisted extension of an obscure cosmic theory), loose ends seemingly begin to be tied up with issue #15 (Nov. 1976), wherein Warlock decides to continue his fight against evil and another Thanos storyline begins. However, the series was canceled once more with no issue 16.

Warlock next made an appearance in Marvel Team-Up #55 (March 1977), also featuring Spider-Man and some of the Elders of the Universe. This story, written by Bill Mantlo and drawn by then-unknown John Byrne, had little relevance to Starlin's meticulous storyline, but it introduced the fact that the Elders each possessed a gem similar to Warlock's. Starlin finally completed his epic in Avengers Annual #7 (1977) and Marvel-Two-In-One Annual #2 (1977), in which Thanos attempts to destroy the universe a second time, killing Warlock's dearest friends Pip the Troll and Gamora (Thanos' attractive green-skinned ward and Warlock's possible love interest, dubbed "the most dangerous woman in the universe", introduced in the Magus storyline). Warlock is able, however, to take their souls into his gem, thus saving them (though their physical bodies die). In the end he too perishes, his spirit living on with those of his departed friends and enemies in the world of the soul gem, where everything is at peace.

Throughout the 1980s Starlin was able to keep away from his neo-cosmic opera, killing Captain Marvel not long later. But at the start of the '90s he couldn't resist, and when he brought his writing talents to the popular Silver Surfer comic (with issue #34), he also brought Thanos. Warlock was not far behind, and the Starlin Surfer issues lead directly into the Infinity Gauntlet mini-series, in which Warlock plays a major role. This resurrected interest in the character, and besides getting his own series (titled Warlock & the Infinity Watch) he was also the star of two sequels to Gauntlet, Infinity War and Infinity Crusade, getting a second running series (Warlock Chronicles), other miniseries, and many notable guest appearances. However, soon readers began to note that each Infinity series told what was in effect the same story repeating over and over again; readers of the Starlin Warlock and Captain Marvel reprints that came out around that time noted that those two stories were nearly identical, and were near-identical to the Infinity stories as well. Starlin's major '80s work, Dreadstar, told a similar story; some fans looked at Starlin as utilizing recurring themes, while others viewed his work as endless repetition. Either way, popularity waned and in Feb. 1994 Chronicles was cancelled; that October featured Starlin's last script for Infinity Watch. No more epics were planned, and July 1995 Watch was cancelled as well.

Warlock appeared every so often in cameo roles in the more cosmically-oriented heroes' titles and had some prominence in the Rune relaunch after Malibu was acquired by Marvel. At the end of 1998 he returned (with Pip and Gamora) in a four-issue miniseries with a promising storyline ending with the reunited Watch on earth, but nothing more ever came of it. 2004 saw another four-issue series, a reimagining of the character which may not be in-continuity with the rest of the Marvel Universe. Both of these miniseries were, like the original 1972 series, simply titled Warlock.

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History: The being one day named Adam Warlock was the genetic creation of four scientists who called themselves the Enclave. Adam Warlock was the prototype for a perfect human life form grown from artificial genetic material, which the Enclave intended to mass produce to form an invincible army to conquer the world. Unfortunately, the scientists miscalculated the strength of their creation, and after leaving his womblike "cocoon," the golden-skinned being known then as Him decimated the Enclave's island base (code-named the Beehive), accidentally killing one of the four scientists. He then harnessed his cosmic power to fly and left Earth to find his destiny in space. However, venturing into a region where meteors were being contained and examined by a member of the race of Watchers, Him spun a protective cocoon around him like the one in which he was originally "born." The Watcher recognized his inadvertent catch as a living being, and returned it to Earth. There the cocoon eventually opened and Him re-emerged. Looking upon the Asgardian goddess Sif, Him naively decided to take her as his mate. This led him into battle with Sif's companion Thor, a battle which aroused the "berserker rage" in Thor. To escape Thor's wraith, Him rewove his protective cocoon and thrust himself back into space.

Some months later, Him's cocoon drifted near the satellite-headquarters of the High Evolutionary, an Earthman who had discovered how to control evolution. The High Evolutionary was in the midst of an experiment to create a replica of Earth upon which evil would not be allowed to exist. After fashioning his artificial world (called "Counter-Earth") and populating it with facsimile human beings, the High Evolutionary took a rest, during which time his renegade creation, the Man-Beast, introduced the concept of evil to the nascent world's populace. When the High Evolutionary saw his experiment was contaminated, he decided to destroy it. However, upon his reemergence from the cocoon, Him interceded and offered to go to the planet and cleanse it of its evil if the High Evolutionary would spare it. The High Evolutionary consented, and placed on his brow a "soulgem." For the next few years, Him, now called Adam Warlock, fought to save the planet from the evil influence of the Man-Beast, who led other human-like animals who had, like himself, been transformed from ordinary animals, in the course of his mission, Warlock was crucified, but after retreating and emerging from his cocoon, he devolved all of his humanoid animal foes back into their original forms. Adam Warlock then left the duplicate world called Counter-Earth to seek and eradicate evil elsewhere in the universe.

While traveling through the Hercules star cluster some time later, Warlock encountered three Grand Inquisitors of the Universal Church of Truth, the armed militia of a rapidly-spreading religious empire. He learned that the Church was a fanatical organization which slew populations of worlds it could not convert. Further, it was headed by a being called the Magus, who Warlock learned was an alternate future version of himself. Aided by a troll-tike alien named Pip, Warlock fought his way through the various minions of the Church, finally confronting the Magus himself. He then learned how he became the Magus and started the Universal Church.

In one alternate future, Warlock encountered the In-Betweener, an agent of the abstract beings Lord Order and Master Chaos, who brought Warlock to his extra dimensional realm. For centuries Warlock was trapped there bombarded by contradictions. Although he spun a protective cocoon about him, Warlock could not shut out the consciousness-altering stimuli. When Warlock emerged, he had gone insane, and had assumed the form of Magus. Due to some quirk in returning to his home reality, the Magus emerged 5,000 years in the past. Possessed with great power, the Magus conquered the army of the planet he was on ("Homeworld") and after seizing control of the whole planet, set up a religion, and began to spread that faith to other solar systems. To avoid becoming the Magus, Warlock determined not to accompany the In-Betweener to his realm. The Magus, hoping to insure his own existence, summoned the In-Betweener and prepared to deliver Warlock to him. However, the mad Titan Thanos decided to aid Warlock, believing the Magus was a threat to his own schemes. Because neither Thanos nor the Magus himself were factors in Warlock's original transformation into the Magus, their presence diverged an alternate path of reality where Warlock could slay the Magus. In the reality where Warlock and Thanos succeeded in thwarting the Magus's creation, someone else founded the Universal Church.

Warlock and Thanos had by then gone their own separate ways, and Warlock soon found himself engaged in battle with the Star-Thief, an Earth being who, like Thanos, sought to extinguish all the stars. He then entered the dimension of the soul-gem that the High Evolutionary had once given him in an attempt to master its soul-stealing tendencies. Returning to Earth's solar system, Warlock encountered the Stranger and Gardener, both of whom possessed a soul-gem themselves. Thanes, unknown to them all, had undertaken the acquisition of the six soul-gems in existence, and had gathered all but the one belonging to Warlock. Thanos feared the soulstealing properties unique to Warlock's gem, so he simply siphoned off the energies he needed from it. He then transferred those energies as well as those of the other gems into a single synthetic soul-gem. With the gem, Thanos intended to destroy the stars as a gift to Death. The Avengers, Captain Mar-Veil, the Thing, SpiderMan, and Warlock united to oppose Thanos's scheme.

In personal combat, Thanes mortally wounded Warlock. As he lay dying, Warlock's temporal counterpart of approximately a year before materialized, having access through time by way of the In-Betweener's realm, and siphoned Warlock's soul (spirit-self) into his own soul-gem. Doing so, the counterpart of about a year before disappeared back into the Betweener's realm. Thus Warlock's soul joined the souls of the enemies he had slain as well as his companions Pip and Gamora. Warlock was briefly summoned from the tranquil pocket dimension inside the gem by Spider-Man. Seething with cosmic power released through his physical death, Warlock transformed Thanos to living, unmoving stone, and then returned to the gem. Although his body is dead, Warlock's soul (astral self) still dwells within the dimension of the soul-gem he once wore.

For many years, Warlock's spirit lived in contentment within the utopia he found inside soul gem. However, discovering that Thanos was alive and in possession of the Infinity Gems, Warlock resurrected himself (and his two companions Pip and Gamora) to confront the Thanos. After the ensuring battle, Warlock himself ended up with the Infinity Gauntlet, becoming the Supreme Being of the Universe. Ordered by the Living Tribunal to divest himself of the Gems, Warlock divided them between six different care-takers, retaining the Soul Gem for himself, thus forming the Infinity Watch to protect the Gems. The Infinity Watch defeated several other attempts to conquer the Universe, including one by a reborn Magus and another by Warlock's feminine counterpart, the Goddess.

Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 240 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Blond
Skin: Gold

Strength Level: Adam Warlock possessed superhuman strength which he could increase even further by enhancing it with cosmic energy. Un-enhanced, Warlock could lift (press) about 4 tons; enhanced, he could achieve ten times that level of strength for brief periods of time (less than one hour), as when he battled Thor.

Known Superhuman Powers: Adam Warlock possessed a number of superhuman properties and powers derived from his artificially determined genetic structure. His bone and muscle tissue was denser than human, endowing him with superhuman strength and resilience. Among his body's special adaptations was an enclave of cells able to tap and transform cosmic energy for personal use. Warlock could use this energy to enhance his physical strength, endurance, and powers of recuperation. He could also employ cosmic energy to negate the force of gravity beneath him, enabling him to fly. In an Earthlike atmosphere, Warlock was able to attain the speed of sound (770 miles per hour). He could use his cosmic energy to locate and enter natural space-warps (discontinuities in the fabric of space) in order to traverse interstellar space. He could also project cosmic energy from his hands as concussive force. The potency of these blasts remains unknown. Warlock's energy manipulating powers waned at the time he was given the soul-gem by the High Evolutionary. No longer could he direct concussive force from his hands or enhance his strength. Whether this power limitation was caused by his symbiotic relationship with the soul-gem or some other factor is not yet known. When Warlock was summoned from the soul-gem to defeat Thanos, he seemed to possess these cosmic powers once more.

Adam Warlock was able to spin a cocoon like object around him at will in a matter of seconds. He did so infrequently during his short life, usually to protect himself from mortal harm, and usually he would emerge from the cocoon at a further level of physical or mental maturity. It is not known where the substance of the cocoon came from, or where it went after he emerged from it.

Paraphernalia: Adam Warlock possessed a green soul-gem which adhered to his forehead. Its precise origin unknown, the soul-gem is one of six of its kind. The soul-gem enabled Warlock to project beams of concussive energy (whether it was his body's own energy focused through the gem or the gem's energy is not known), devolve organisms to more primitive states, and absorb the souls (life forces or consciousnesses) of other beings. The more Warlock employed the gem for the latter, purpose, the more the gem began to influence Warlock's mind to provide it more souls. The soul-gem appeared to possess a consciousness of sorts. The soul-gem contained (or was a portal to) a small dimensional world where the souls absorbed by the gem would have a shared subjective experience of a peaceful, pastoral valley. Warlock's soul-gem is the only one of the six known to have "vampiric" tendencies.


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Fictional character biography

[edit] Him
Warlock began as "Him", an artificially-created human, "born" in a cocoon at a scientific complex called "The Beehive". The goal of his creators, the Enclave, was to create and subsequently exploit the perfect human. Shortly after he first sprang from his cocoon (which he is capable of creating around himself for protection and rejuvenation), he battled the Fantastic Four[1], but soon became aware of his creators' plans for him and rebelled. Having had no parents, childhood, nor any life experience whatsoever (other than the data implanted by the Enclave), Warlock lacked maturity and restraint. Seeing the problems of the world, the being known only as Him reformed his cocoon and fled into space, in slumber.

Adam Warlock battles Man-Beast.
Cover to Warlock #1. Art by Gil Kane.
However, he was soon caught in an asteroid shower and endangered, being saved in the nick of time by the alien being the Watcher, who sent Him back to Earth. He ended up in a military atomic research center, which he took over after it was abandoned. It was there he came in contact with the mighty Thor. Seeing mankind's wrongs, Him despised humanity, and because of this (and the fact that he decided to take Thor's sometime paramour Sif to become his mate) they did battle. Him finally fled the raging thunder god (in the throes of the Warrior Madness), retreating to the safety of his cocoon[2]. Here, it is said, Warlock died his first death.

In an story arc allegorical to the New Testament, Warlock was transported to Counter-Earth, an attempt by the High Evolutionary to create a Utopian society out of the framework of the original Earth. It had fallen under the influence of the nefarious Man-Beast, a wolf that had been genetically modified into humanoid form by the High Evolutionary, and Warlock (the High Evolutionary's surrogate son) was sent to become the savior of this new Earth and deliver its inhabitants from the evil of the Man-Beast.

Warlock faces this supreme villain, the Man-Beast, in the oval office. Warlock also fights the Hulk, partners with him, then is crucified to save Counter-Earth, and is subsequently "resurrected" from his cocoon.

[edit] Thanos & The Magus
Adam Warlock sees The Magus face.
On a desolate planet, Warlock laments his failure to accomplish the good he attempts and all the destruction he inadvertently causes (his attitude substantially changed from the enlightened optimistic stance of his last appearance). Soon he learns from a damsel in distress of an intergalactic menace known as the Magus, a powerful being who has set up a genocidal religion/militia known as The Universal Church of Truth, ruling a thousand worlds with an iron fist.

Warlock feels compelled to battle evil once again, and with his mischievous new loincloth-clad, hedonistic, cigar-chomping friend Pip the Troll, he journeys through many perils of the body, mind, and soul to the Magus himself. Warlock's trials include addiction to his aforementioned Soul Gem (which has become bonded to his own soul, and cannot be removed without killing him), resisting the temptation of a power-offering woman ruler, a massive one-sided trial against him, a simulated surreal clown-world (from which he emerges partially insane) where diamonds are tossed in the trash, and fighting lots and lots of alien grunts.

It is revealed that the Magus is a future incarnation of Warlock himself, supremely powerful due to a near-infinity of metamorphosing in his cocoon, plus the natural knowledge of future events possessed by any time-lost future individual. The Magus was sent back in time by the cosmic being, the In-Betweener, as a force for 'Life' to offset Thanos' role as a champion of Death. The In-Betweener had driven the Magus mad and released him thousands of years in the past on a planet called Sirius X, which he would rename Homeworld. Thus Warlock finds he has this to look forward to.

Adam Warlock's soul turns Thanos The Mad Titan into stone. Art by Jim Starlin.
Thanos (whose mysterious aims were then totally unknown) also held the secret of time-travel, and therefore was unseen by The Magus' knowledge of present/future events.

He locked himself in mortal combat with the Magus, while Warlock entered Kismet (a dimension whose capabilities have yet to be fully explained), destroyed the timeline where he would become the Magus, and emerged in the future and took his future self's soul into the soul gem (for all intents and purposes killing him), retroactively preventing Magus from ever existing (thus having an early death at his own hands to look forward to instead of power and evil).

The Avengers get involved and, with his leadership, they nearly stop Thanos (who has taken up the Magus' plans for himself). Warlock is taken out of the battle when the Warlock of a few months past comes to take his soul (see above), but is content to leave his miserable existence. The end of the issue finds him in a green paradise inside the Soul Gem with all the souls ever taken by it, living together in loving/accepting harmony. But Thanos is still on the loose; this is wrapped up in Marvel Two-in-One Annual #2, in which Spider-Man and the Thing join the fray, and together Earth's heroes (with a final appearance of Warlock from beyond death) kill Thanos by turning him into a statue.

These issues proved popular enough to be collected in a six-volume deluxe-format miniseries in 1983, and again in 1992.

The story of Warlock was briefly revisited in Marvel Two-in-One #61-63 (March-May 1980) by Mark Gruenwald and Jerry Bingham, which finds The Thing coming into contact with Her. Created by the Enclave to be the female equivalent of Him, Kismet wants to find Warlock and become his mate. After contact with Starhawk, Moondragon, and the High Evolutionary, Warlock's grave is visited on Counter-Earth, and the High Evolutionary explains that Warlock's conveniently-forgotten too-big-to-be-in-the-world thing from the Starlin years was all in his head, tying up the last loose-end and proving finally that he was indeed dead.

Warlock did not appear again in the 1980's, even in Starlin's groundbreaking graphic novel, The Death of Captain Marvel.

The Infinity Gauntlet
In 1990, Starlin began writing what was arguably his third character-defining run for Marvel, this time starring the Silver Surfer (Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #34-50, with the exception of #39, an unrelated story), drawn by Ron Lim. After Thanos' return at the bidding of Death herself, the mad villain collects all six Infinity Gems (in The Thanos Quest #1-2) and through them becomes omnipotent. The Surfer, along with Drax the Destroyer, is exiled by Thanos to the Soul Gem, and meets Warlock, Pip and Gamora. Warlock, who while living in the Soul World had taken to the life of a monk and had not fought while there, releases the Surfer and Drax from the Gem, then decides to join the fight against Thanos.

The souls of Warlock, Pip and Gamora left the Soul Gem and inhabited recently-deceased corpses, which metamorphosed into their bodies (Warlock employing the cocoon technique for additional power). Once again the entire Marvel Universe is involved in the battle in a six-issue mini-series entitled The Infinity Gauntlet, after a gauntlet he dons studded with the six Infinity Gems. Warlock was instrumental in Thanos' defeat here as well, and in the end obtained the gems for himself. Having lived so long in the Soul Gem's strange world and spent so much time with the gem, he was able to understand the workings of Thanos and the Gauntlet, giving him an edge over his foe. What made Warlock most ideal in leading the heroes and cosmic beings against Thanos was that he stood outside the realms of Order & Chaos because of the circumstances surrounding his conception, the trials of the Magus, and his time in Soul World. Most importantly, no doubt, was the destruction of his own timeline, making it very hard to predict his fate. This was clearly shown when Gamora wore the Time Gem and got inaccurate visions of Warlock's future, and explains why Lord Chaos and Master Order wished Warlock as their leader against Thanos (representing, paradoxically, the opposite of both).

Warlock was soon forced to separate the Infinity Gauntlet's gems to separate bearers after the cosmic beings of the universe and the Living Tribunal deemed Warlock unworthy to carry the Infinity Gauntlet. When Warlock asked why Thanos was allowed to wield the power, Warlock was told that it was because he was a being of existence, and Warlock was a created being. Warlock kept the Soul Gem for himself, and split the rest of the gems among the members of the Infinity Watch including his friends Pip and Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Moondragon, and one mysterious, unseen person who was later revealed to be Thanos himself. Warlock was given his own series again, Warlock and the Infinity Watch, beginning in Feb. 1992, written by Starlin. Warlock's temporary possession of the Gauntlet had unforeseen consequences; in attempting to control his emotions to better wield the Gauntlet, Warlock purged all good and evil from his being, leaving him a being consisting entirely of logic. The "moral" aspects of his persona in turn took on physical forms: the evil half became a new incarnation of the Magus, while the good half became the self-styled Goddess. Each attempted to gain control over the universe, and each was thwarted and exiled to the world of the Soul Gem, where they had no substance and (Warlock assumed) would pose no threat to anyone (in Infinity War and Infinity Crusade, completing the Infinity Trilogy of the early '90s). During this time Warlock was so popular he was given a second series, The Warlock Chronicles (beginning in July 1993). Chronicles ended with issue #8 in February 1994, and Starlin's last issue on Watch was #33 (October 1994); the series continued for nine further issues, finally ending with the Gems being stolen by the alien vampire called Rune and the disbanding of the group in #42 (July 1995).

Some time later, Warlock was killed by Rune and the Gems disappeared into a parallel universe, the "Ultraverse", where Warlock found himself again reborn. Warlock eventually returned to the Marvel Universe, and encountered Thanos and the former members of the Infinity Watch a number of times more. He starred in a miniseries shortly thereafter, in which he fought the reanimated corpse of Captain Marvel.

[edit] Infinity Abyss and further adventures

Interior art from Thanos #6 2004. Art by Jim Starlin
Warlock's next major appearance was in the Infinity Abyss miniseries. Warlock was found to be living in an intergalactic Insane Asylum, encased in a self-generated cocoon. Warlock was reincarnated with a slight different appearance after a clone of Thanos asked Moondragon to revive him. Warlock assisted in preventing a universal crisis against Thanos' clones, and ended up watching over Atleza, a being posed to keep the cosmos from falling into the Infinity Abyss. He also engaged in a romantic relationship with Gamora. Later, he assisted Thanos in his first reformed quest (Thanos #1-6, published originally in 2003-2004), and later on assisted She-Hulk (She-Hulk 2004 #7-8).

In recent events, Gamora appeared sans Warlock in the Annihilation: Ronan miniseries, and the Soul Gem was retrieved by the Illuminati and is currently held by Doctor Strange. The circumstances under which Warlock came to be separated from Gamora or lose the Soul Gem are as yet unknown.

Manager Tools

Powers and abilities
Adam Warlock possesses a number of superhuman properties and powers derived from his artificially determined genetic structure as well as his unique relationship with cosmic and mystical forces. His bone and muscle tissue is denser than human, endowing him with superhuman strength and resilience. Adam Warlock possesses superhuman strength, and could use his cosmic powers to increase his strength. The incarnation of the Magus must have possessed even greater strength, given that he could engage Thanos in hand-to-hand combat (Thanos himself could fight the Thing and Thor simultaneously). His strength may have been increased by his re-embodiment after leaving the Soul Gem, as Pip and Gamora's were.

Among his body's other special adaptations are an enclave of cells able to tap and transform cosmic energy for personal use. Warlock could use this energy to enhance his physical strength, endurance, and powers of recuperation. He could also employ cosmic energy to negate the force of gravity beneath him, enabling him to fly. In an Earth-like atmosphere, Warlock was able to attain the speed of sound (770 miles per hour). He could use his cosmic energy to locate and enter natural space-warps (discontinuities in the fabric of space) in order to traverse interstellar space. He can also project cosmic energy from his hands as concussive force.

Warlock's energy-manipulating powers mutated at the time he was given the soul-gem by the High Evolutionary. No longer could he direct concussive force from his hands or enhance his strength. Whether this power limitation was caused by his symbiotic relationship with the soul-gem or some other factor is not yet known. When Warlock was summoned from the soul-gem to defeat Thanos, he seemed to possess these cosmic powers once more. He also displayed previously unseen mystical powers when he turned Thanos to stone.

Adam Warlock is able to spin a cocoon around him at will in a matter of seconds. He did so infrequently during his short life, usually to protect himself from mortal harm, and usually he would emerge from the cocoon at a further level of physical or mental maturity. It is not known where the substance of the cocoon came from, or where it went after he emerged from it.

Warlock's unique history and experiences have also granted him status as being "outside the forces of destiny," allowing him to play a part in cosmic affairs that would be impossible for other beings, despite their levels of power. Warlock also has a high degree of Cosmic Awareness which allows him to sense and react to threats to reality and perceive phenomena on a level beyond that of normal beings. He has been known to disappear and reappear in combat situations with opponents ranging from mere soldiers to Galactus himself, whether or not this has any connection to his unique relationship with reality has not been explained. Once, in the pages of the Infinity Gauntlet he was even able to hide from Nebula in plain sight[3], even though at the time she had possession of the Gauntlet (though this might be because of her inexperience with the Gauntlet).

Warlock gained a great deal of first-hand experience at hand-to-hand combat over the course of his life, and eventually became quite formidable. Warlock also is an accomplished self-taught philosopher. He is also able to fly, even in space.

In other media
Warlock appears in Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems. He chooses 5 heroes from Earth to retrieve the Infinity Gems as well as providing info on the locations/stages.
Adam Warlock appears in an episode in the first season of the Silver Surfer TV Series called 'The Forever War' (a reference to). A substantially different version is shown, however, with Warlock being created to protect a planet of scientists from alien invaders. After the threat is gone they have no purpose for him and hence they create a limbo in space where Warlock would relive his battles against the Kree for all eternity. The Silver Surfer comes and saves him in this episode. In the end, however, he decides to retreat to his prison as he is unable to deal with the knowledge that the world he knew has long perished.

Trivia sections are discouraged under Wikipedia guidelines.
The article could be improved by integrating relevant items into other sections and removing inappropriate items. (August 2007)

Starlin's Warlock was one of the series that got Scott McCloud interested in comics during his high school years.
Having shared his soul with that of the Silver Surfer during the Infinity Gauntlet, Warlock gained the power to mentally control the Surfer's Board. He also shared a telepathic link with the Soul Gem so could tell if the Gauntlet had a new owner.
Warlock's gem made him more powerful than Mephisto in the devil's own realm. Warlock stated that this was because Mephisto's realm was an aspect of Mephisto's soul, and the Soul Gem made Warlock the master of all souls.


Solo series and features
Please add ISBNs for the books listed in this article or section.
Listing ISBNs makes it easier to conduct research. Improve the article or discuss this issue on the talk page.This article has been tagged since August 2007.

Avengers Annual #7
Avengers vol. 1 #118
Cosmic Powers Unlimited #1
Curse of Rune #4
Doctor Strange vol. 2 #32, 36, 47
Fantastic Four vol. 1 66-67, 369-370
Incredible Hulk vol. 2 #158, 176-178
Infinity Abyss vol. 1 #1-6
Infinity Crusade #1-3, 6
Infinity Gauntlet #1-6
Infinity War #1-6
Marvel Comics Presents #108-111
Marvel Premiere #1-2
Marvel Team-Up vol. 1 #55
Marvel Two-in-One #61-63
Marvel Two-in-One Annual #2
Marvel Universe: The End #1-2, 6
Quasar #38-40, 50, 53-54
Rune vol. 2 #0-3, 6-7
She-Hulk (2004) # 7-8
Silver Surfer & Warlock: Resurrection #1-4
Silver Surfer vol. 3 #44-50, 52, 55, 83-88, 93-94
Silver Surfer/Rune #1
Starblast #1
Strange Tales vol. 2 #178-181
Thanos #1-6
Thor vol. 1 163-166, 468-471
Ultraverse Unlimited #1
Warlock and the Infinity Watch #1-42
Warlock Chronicles #1-8
Warlock vol. 1 #1-15
Warlock vol. 2 #1-4
Warlock vol. 3 #4
Wonder Man (1991) #14

Fantasy Masterpieces (1979 series) #8-14 (July, 1980 – January, 1981; reprints Strange Tales (1951 series) #178-181, Warlock (1972 series) #9-11)
Warlock Special Edition #1-6 (December, 1982 – May, 1983, also collected in trade paperback, 1992; reprints Strange Tales (1951 series) #178-181, Warlock (1972 series) #9-15, Marvel Team-Up #55, Avengers Annual #7, Marvel Two-in-One Annual #2)
Warlock #1-6 (May – October, 1992; reprints Warlock Special Edition #1-6)
Marvel Masterworks: Warlock Vol. 1 (announced for future publication; scheduled on-sale date: 4 January 2007; reprints Marvel Premiere #1-2, (The Power of) Warlock #1-8, and The Incredible Hulk #176-178)

[edit] On Warlock
Douglas Wolk: The Dark Mirrors of Jim Starlin's Warlock. In: Comic Art magazine #8. Contents of this issue (Wolk's essay isn't online.)

[edit] Notes and references
^ Fantastic Four #66-67
^ Thor vol. 1 #163-166, 1969
^ "The Infinity Gauntlet," Issue #6
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