Thursday, September 3, 2009



The Laws of Time were a set of guidelines and laws guiding what a time traveller may do. As opposed to physical Laws, which were observations of constants of behavior found in nature (ie The Laws of Motion or Gravitation), the Laws of Time were rules or guidelines put in place to prevent massive changes to the primary timeline by time travellers.Several truths have been uncovered as more instances of time travel have occurred. Collectively these truths are known as temporal law. Several hundred books have been written on the subject.

The four laws of time, also known as Time Laws,found within the Great Book of Time-the are simple rules which are the only constraints on time travel. Although only a regulation, it is a pseudo-physical barrier as well, because the very concept of the laws of time is built into the heart of the every Time Mechine or Temporal Warp generator. It is impossible to remove these circuits without destroying the Time Mechine. To prevent abuse of the laws of time, the Time Mechine can utilise built-in controls that will ensure that the laws of time are complied with.

There are four central laws of time which are the pillars upon which modern time travel stands. Each individual law is given a mention below.

The first law of time states that no individual is allowed to meet themselves, as that would constitute a temporal paradox and would almost certainly change history. Basically, the law insists that time-streams must be kept linear.

The second law of time complements the first by stating that no-one is allowed to interfere with their own personal time line (i.e. history). This ensures that a time traveller cannot wipe himself out as changing one's own history would definitely effect oneself. This is actually a specific case of the 1st law.

The third law of time simply states that the Blinovitch limitation effect must not take place. The Blinovitch limitation effect itself is not a rule but a physical and temporal effect that always occurs when history tries to repeat itself. In essence, the Blinovitch limitation effect prevents one from repeatedly returning to an event in order to change the outcome, whether for the good or the bad.

The fourth law of time states that no-one is allowed to travel back in time on the planet Gallifrey, for any reason. This is because many events in the history of Gallifrey were essential to the creation of time travel and to the fate of many civilisations.
The laws provide pseudo-physical constraints on the limit of variation of time travel and are implemented via the central computer and the navigational computer systems, and are enforced by coordinate modification, the process of altering user-set coordinates which would force the Time Mechineto break a Time Law. This, though, does not mean that you can whiz around the universe as you please. In addition to the laws of time, a section of Temporal law, Article 214, has been laid down to regulate time travel and related matters. For reference purposes, a summary of this law has been included in the Appendix.

Valde Libri of Vicis

“biblia sacrachrónos

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Temporal Guardians

Temporal Guardians by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson

Group name Temporal Guardians

Description: Temporal Guardian ;Also known as the Temporal Guard Law Eforcement Agency-Special Time Travelling Agents,Equipted with Paranormal Abilities and Equipment Somewhat similar to The Legion Of Time-Sorcers.

Description Temporal Guardians-interstellar law enforcers and temporal soldiers,who help the Legion of Time Sorcerers and other Lord of Light maintain the law and order throughout time and space

Temporal Guardians-interstellar law enforcers and temporal soldiers,who help the Legion of Time Sorcerers and other Lord of Light maintain the law and order throughout time and space .

Temporal Guardians by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.

Group name Temporal Guardians

Description: Temporal Guardian ;Also known as the Temporal Guard Law Eforcement Agency-Special Time Travelling Agents,Equipted with Paranormal Abilities and Equipment Somewhat similar to The Legion Of Time-Sorcers.

Description Temporal Guardians-interstellar law enforcers and temporal soldiers,who help the Legion of Time Sorcerers and other Lord of Light maintain the law and order throughout time and space

Temporal Guardians-interstellar law enforcers and temporal soldiers,who help the Legion of Time Sorcerers and other Lord of Light maintain the law and order throughout time and space.

Temporal Guardians-interstellar law enforcers and temporal soldiers,who help the Legion of Time Sorcerers and other Lord of Light maintain the law and order throughout time and space.

Temporal Guardian is the name of a fictional intergalactic police Military force featured in the Maveric Universe. They patrol the farthest reaches of the multiverse at the behest of the Lords of Light;an alliance of a race of immortals residing on various planet scattered across temporal space. According to Maveric Universal continuity, the Temporal Guardian has been in existance for three billion years; surviving multiple conflicts both internal and foreign. Divided as pairs amongst the 3600 “sectors” of the universe, over 7200 members (known commonly as Temporal Guard) are estimated as serving within the Corps. Each Temporal Guard is given a cosmic power ring,a Temporal Guardian Light Infabtry Space Armor,Temporal Guardian Cosmic Guanlets a weapon granting the use of incredible abilities that are fueled by the wearer's own willpower and the users cosmic lense.

Temporal Guardian Prime Directives

Temporal Guardians is expected to uphold certain principles of their duty. These principles include:

1. The protection of life and liberty within the assigned sector.
2. Following the orders of the Temporal Guardian High Command without question.
3. Noninterference with a planet's culture, political structure, or its population's collective will.
4. Acting within local laws and obeying the local authority within reason (presumably, the Temporal Guardian High Command or a high ranking member of the ' orders can overrule this when necessary).
5. Taking no action against anyone or anything until they are proven to be a threat against life and liberty.
6. Refusing to use the equipment, resources, or authority of The Guard for personal gain.
7. Showing respect for and cooperating with other members of the Guard and the Temporal Guardian High Command.
8. Showing respect for life which includes restraint of force unless there is no reasonable alternative.
9. Giving top priority to the greatest danger in the assigned sector.
10. Lethal Force against an enemy is authorized by the Temporal Guardian High Command,when nessessary
11. Uphold the Laws of Time and Space,as written in the Great Book of Time,situated within the Great Halls of Time,found with the holographic Libraries of the Legion of Time Sorcerers and Temporal Guardian Citadel od Time,located at various locations and Lords of Light occupied territories,such as Atlantis-Prime,Genisis Prime,Terra-Prime,various Word Ships,Star Castle Space Stations and Star Palice Star Ships.
12. Upholding the honor of the Guard.

To enforce these principles, the Guardians closely monitor the activities of the Lanterns. If they feel a violation of Corps regulations has occurred, they will summon the offender to Oa and hold a trial in which the charges are read and the Lantern is allowed to explain their actions. If the Guardians are not satisfied by the explanation, they have a number of disciplinary options which include:

* Probation-such exile to a specific duty position upon a specified world,at a single location and time,until the Probation Period is up or proven unnessissary.
* Personal supervision by the Temporal Guardians High Command .
* Primery Temporal Guardian Duty-such keeping survailance upon a specific prisoner,who violated the Laws of Time .
* Temporary exile from the Temporal Guardians homeworld.
* Ritual Trial of Endurance - a Temporal Guardian must attempt a dangerous passage through a series of trial throughout specified duties of the multiverse Universe.
* Expulsion from the Corps.

Temporal Guardian Honor Guard is an elite group of Temporal Guardians, based on Oa but not restricted to one Sector, who serve as leaders of the Corps, troubleshooters and special operatives.

is an elite, top-secret Black Ops division of the Temporal Guardians. Members of The Guard are not restricted by the same rules that regular Lanterns follow, and they perform the darkest, most dangerous missions.Black ops missions often fit into the deniable category, a situation in which there is no claim of responsibility for the action, and/or a false flag operation is used to give the appearance that another actor was responsible, or – most often – black operations involve extensive arrangements so as to be able to hide the fact that the black operation ever occurred. Black military operations, or paramilitary operations, can be used by various secret services to achieve or attempt to achieve an unusually sensitive goal. The methods used in black operations are also used in unconventional warfare. Depending on the precise situation in a given case, and the level of authoritarianism of the national government or other responsible party, some tasks will be conducted as black operations, while there are usually other activities that can be admitted openly. Black operations may include such things as assassination, sabotage, extortion, spying on allied countries or one's own citizens, kidnapping, supporting resistance movements, torture, use of fraud to obtain funds, use of child soldiers, human experimentation, trafficking in contraband items, etc.
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Friday, August 28, 2009

Who is Lasar Sarkhon?

Who is Lasar Sarkhon?
In: Entertainment and Arts, Blogger

Lasar Sarkhon-First Son of Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon and Supreme Lady Castria Sarkhon..First Son of Atlantis-Prime.

Prince Lasar Sarkhon was one of the original character names,created for the developing Maveric Universe.Lasar Sarkhon became roughly as Thuzan Thune or Thuzan Thule,used in the short story ''The Last Fare''-an elder Atlantean sorcerer,who came from the ancient Seven Empires of Atlantis,who encounters a New York cabbie Earnie-a Archie Bunker/Ben Grimm type,who dosen't in the fact he is driving a real sorcerer,to the United Nations Building to save the world from ultimate destruction.

Seven Empires of Atlantis-a sort of reference to King Kull,of Robert E.Howards Thurean Cronicles-that predates Conan's Hyborean Age,by thousands of years.Thuzan Thune,also is infact,a sorcerer,Kull meets in the Mirrors of Thuzan Thune,but beyond that reference,their is no real connection to the two characters.Thuzan Thune or Thuzan Thule,was changed to Lasar Sarkhon,later on during future re-writes of the short story.The name Lasar Sarkhon was derived from the name Sargon- (r. 1920 BC - 1881 BC), Assyrian king and was also a character Sargon, disembodied leader of a race of powerful aliens in the 1968 Star Trek episode "Return to Tomorrow.Another reference might be Sargon the Sorcerer.

Sargon the Sorcerer is a fictional character, a second string mystic, superhero and sorcerer appearing in DC Comics during the Golden Age. The original Sargon first appeared in All-American Comics # 26, (May 1941), and was created by John B. Wentworth and Howard Purcell. The modern Sargon first appears in Helmet of Fate: Sargon # 1, (April 2007), and was created by Steve Niles and Scott Hampton.

Sargon the Sorcerer, comic superhero character from DC Comics, first appeared in 1941 ,might have an infuence,on the designing of the name,but in the Original or Classic Star Trek series episode ''Return to Tomorrow.''the character had more influence,than some little known and mostly forgotten comic sorcerer,with dark suite and silly turban.

"Return to Tomorrow" is a second season episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, first broadcast February 9, 1968 and repeated August 2, 1968. It is episode #49, production #51, written by John Kingsbridge, and directed by Ralph Senensky.
Overview: Telepathic aliens take control of Kirk's and Spock's bodies.

The Lasar first name is derived from little known and forgotten NBC TV film-possably a pilot for a potential series "Escape from the Empire "a fantasy world,where an archery hero and companion,plus a beautiful sorceress,search the hidden sorcerer Lasar Sah.

= The Archer: Fugitive From the Empire =

Synopsis: The growing popularity of the sword and sorcery genre in theatrical films, books and comics led to this comic book pilot to a proposed TV series and the first television movie to explore the fad. Other than George Kennedy, who plays the warrior hero's bloodsire, the performers were relatively unfamiliar to TV viewers at the time (and many remain so). The plot revolves around a rugged warrior Toran of Malveel played by Lane Caudell and his quest to avenge his father's brutal slaying, and his search for a legendary sorcererLazar-Sa,played by Larry Douglaswho can help him.Slant the Drushian by Victor Campos ,becomes one of his companions. Joining him on his mission is a beautiful enchantress Estra,played by Belinda Bauer who is also searching for the sorcerer; pursuing him is a malevolent wizard who wants him dead.Directed by Director(s):
Nicholas Corea

The hero Toran of Malveel is given his mentor's bow (the Heartbow) which chooses its new owner when passed on. It fires arrows that blow up like grenades, but can only be wielded by the one chosen to wield her. The hero is a member of a nomadic tribe wiped out by the Draikian Empire's forces. He attempts to find the wizard Lazar-Sa who might be able to help him. He is joined by a thief looking for adventure and cash, and the daughter of a goddess, Estra, looking to revenger herself on Lazar-Sa for crimes against her mother .
The movie tried to be good,but somehow didn't work.It never became a tv series and mostly forgotten by many people. Still the name of the sorcerer was memmorable and was used as the first for the Sargon character.The last Sargon,was also changed after a few rewrites and edites,from Sargon to Sarkhan first-as Star Trek Wrath of Khan ,then Sarkhon-using the name Khon-a more closer spelling to the names true pronounsation.
Lasar Sarkhon originally came either another world called Atlantis,much Superman came the distant planet of Krypton,where a ancient,super race once lived with a near magical super science or he came a lost continent,perhaps transported or moved another planet,depending the version of the story created. Later on revisions,the world of Atlantis was transformed into a dyson sphere,so more room many ancient civilizations,could co-exist with Atlantean super race-who collected dying or lost civilizations and allowed to live upon heavon like world.Elements of Christian mythology,as well Greek and Roman Mythology were incorporated into Lasar Sarkhon's unique world.
A Dyson sphere (or shell as it appeared in the original paper) is a hypothetical originally described by Such a "sphere" would be a system of orbiting meant to completely encompass a and capture most or all of its energy output. Dyson speculated that such structures would be the logical consequence of the long-term survival and escalating energy needs of a technological civilization, and proposed that searching for evidence of the existence of such structures might lead to the detection of advanced intelligent
Marvels Adam Warlock, originally known as Him, is a that appears in published by The character in #66 (Sept. 1967) (in form) and #67 (Oct. 1967), (in humanoid form) and was created by and became another inspiration for Lasar Sarkhon,but minus the soul gem and the unnessarary later on baggage.Lasar Sarkhon took an almost messiantic look,similar to Adam Warlock.


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Galaxy Beings

Elder Race
(An elder race in science fiction, fantasy, or horror fiction is a fictional alien race that preceded humanity. Occasionally they are a more advanced version of humanity instead of aliens (e.g., the Stargate Ancients). Elder races generally have abilities and technologies (or magics, in the case of fantasy) that far surpass that of humanity. In works of science fiction, their technologies are often so advanced as to seem magical or even godlike both to the human protagonists and to the present-day reader.
In some works, the elder race has long since departed the scene, leaving nothing but artifacts and other evidence of their activities. In others, the elder race remains in existence, but is in decline or has deliberately withdrawn to the periphery in order to avoid interfering with the development of humanity and any other younger races. A few elder races are portrayed as still being very much active in the story-current scene, and members of them may function as advisers or as antagonists.
Some elder races are portrayed as wise benefactors, bringing culture and knowledge to humanity and other younger races. Other elder races are callous exploiters, and regard younger races as so much raw material to be used and even used up. A few are portrayed ambiguously, with their well-intended actions having unexpected consequences. For instance, a client race may use their new-found technology for self-destruction, or a policy of non-interference may turn out to be a way of abdicating responsibility for using one's power wisely.(power corrupts the best of intentions)

Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film-( Maveri.Comics Studioes,Inc.).. Maveric Lions Entertainment webzines Group. Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-(Maveric.Com.)Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Toys (Maveric Toys)- -Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group ,Maveric Characters,Inc.Thompson Brothers PUBLICATIONS,INC,Maveric Magazines Management,Inc,Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Elder Race of the Maveric Universe.

Elder Race of the Maveric Universe.
by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson
?Elder Race
(An elder race in science fiction, fantasy, or horror fiction is a fictional alien race that preceded humanity. Occasionally they are a more advanced version of humanity instead of aliens (e.g., the Stargate Ancients). Elder races generally have abilities and technologies (or magics, in the case of fantasy) that far surpass that of humanity. In works of science fiction, their technologies are often so advanced as to seem magical or even godlike both to the human protagonists and to the present-day reader.
In some works, the elder race has long since departed the scene, leaving nothing but artifacts and other evidence of their activities. In others, the elder race remains in existence, but is in decline or has deliberately withdrawn to the periphery in order to avoid interfering with the development of humanity and any other younger races. A few elder races are portrayed as still being very much active in the story-current scene, and members of them may function as advisers or as antagonists.
Some elder races are portrayed as wise benefactors, bringing culture and knowledge to humanity and other younger races. Other elder races are callous exploiters, and regard younger races as so much raw material to be used and even used up. A few are portrayed ambiguously, with their well-intended actions having unexpected consequences. For instance, a client race may use their new-found technology for self-destruction, or a policy of non-interference may turn out to be a way of abdicating responsibility for using one's power wisely.(power corrupts the best of intentions)
?Alien Elder RacesThe First Ancient Ones are the ancient alien races of the galaxy, the first organisms to achieve sapience and the first to become spacefaring. desires to dedicate their immortal existences to contain evil and expand the existance of the lesser races or worlds of the Multiverse.Also known ?Elder Races of the Universe or Multiverse.Also known as The ancients or Ancient Ones of the Universe by some sources..
Maveric Comics The Maveric Universe is the fictional shared universe where most of the comic stories published by Maveric Comics take place.
The Maveric Universe actually exists within a multiverse consisting of thousands of separate universes, all of which are the creations of Maveric Comics and all of which are, in a sense, "Marvel universes". In this context, "Marvel Universe" is taken to refer to the mainstream Maveric continuity, which is known as Earth-01 ?the first branching off Alternate Maveric Universe and other related world lines,such as Earth 361other Alternate Maveric Universe time lines and Earth 2230- Alternate Maveric Universe time lines.Ofcourse,not all fiction event depicted with the other timelines have written or formated as of this writing.

The Lords of Light.
The Lord of Light-does not refer to anyone specific,but is a general term,once used to refer to the Seraphians,but became a wider term to refer to anyone of the Elder Races or species,that became allies of the Great Commonwealth of Galaxies,with the Old Maveric Universe.Atlantians,Seraphians,the Sidairian,the Asguardians,the Olympians,the Celestrials,the Galaxians,the Asitlandrian,the Attilandrians,the Astrans,and so forthe.The Lords of Light often dwell with the Light Zones-free and open space,where interstellar trade and communication was possible.
The Lords of Light-otherwise are anyone who is considered the Good Guys,while Lord of Darkness are anyone,who considered the Bad Guys.
Editors Note.
Lord of Light (1967).
Lord of Light (1967) is an epic science fiction/fantasy novel by Roger Zelazny. It was awarded the 1968 Hugo Award for Best Novel, and nominated for a Nebula Award in the same category. Two chapters from the novel were published as novelettes in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in 1967
Thundarr the Barbarian.
?Thundarr the Barbarian was a Saturday morning animated television series, created by Joe Ruby and produced by Ruby-Spears Productions. It was broadcast during the early 1980s. Action figures of the three main characters were released by Toynami in 2004. Thundarr the Barbarian often swaired by the ?"Lords of Light!" ,but nothing like much that Satureday morning cartoon was ever explained Beyond this,the Lords of Light here has noithing what so ever to do the book mentioned above or Thundarr the Luddite listed above.
Doc Thompson
The Atlanteans
Atlanteans.Said to be one of the oldest or Elder Races in the Multiverse.They originally existed with the Old Maveric Universe or Prime Universe (Primary Universe).The Atlanteans originated upon a world,third from their star-much similar to Earth.
The Atlanteans produced a class of Wizard Warriors known as The Legion of Time?Sorcerer are so called because they are able to travel in and manipulate time through technology to a far greater degree than any other civilisation.They are the Temporal Guardiand of Truth and Justice,throughtout temporal space.The Atlanteans appear human, but differ from them in many respects.They are extremely long-lived, routinely counting their ages in terms of centuries.-via their advanced Atlantean Medical science and nano based Regerative Healing Factors,that repair damage,decease and phisical injuries.The Atlanteans have varing degree's telepathy and telekenisis abilities-mostly a paranormal ability to weild other great Cosmic Quantum forces-which Members of the Legion train to use properly.The Atlanteans, and being responsible for the presence of human life on thousands of planets in at least two galaxies (a result of their efforts to seed the galaxy and many other simular known 28000 galaxies,plus other alternate realities in which they resided with life). They have also influenced good or bad,those human and humanoid races,that exist within them.
The Atlantean are democracy,with a Royal Family,that are somewhat a semi figure head of the government,with powers to overrule discisions the Imperial Senate and Council of Elders or Elder Statement-the Lord of the Empire,in time of Great War or Marshal Law matter.
The Atlantean Royal Family is the group of close relatives of the monarch of the United Realms of Atlantis-Prime and Genisis-Prime.. United Realms is also sometimes called the Seven Empires of Atlantis-Prime and the Seven Empires of Genisis-Prime.The Atlantean Royal Family upon both Atlantis-Prime and Genisis-Prime-two huge worlds of the original Atlantean Homeworls-now destroyed during ancient Titan Gods Wars ,that happened within the so called Old Maveric Comic Universe,are general members of the Imperial House Clan of Sarkhon.
Imperial House of Sarkhon-The foremost and mightiest Royal Family of Atlantis-Prime. Older branches exist within the Worldships known as Genesis-Prime and Atlantis-Prime. There are other known and unknown Atlantean lost colonies scattered all over temporal space-The Atlantean Planet of Iskhandar, the Colony of Neitherweird, and Alpha-Tellus. The Atlanteans evolved on the planet Atlantis, and were possibly the first intelligent life forms in the Universe or many Alternate Universes or Multiverse. Atlantis (in Greek, ???????? ?????, "island of Atlas") is the name of a legendary island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias.[1]The note ???This world source of the Greek myth of the Lost City of Atlantis.The legend of Atlantis is featured in many books, films, television series, games, songs and other creative works.It?s legend became so great,it became the very basis of an ancient world,whose inhabitants called world Atlantis,after the legendary lost continent known as Atlantis.These Atlanteans ?built a system of stargate or wormhole tunnels,with the help of many other Elder Races,mostly the Sidairians or Osirons millions of years ago being ?the most advanced race of the Maveric universe,help seed many other lesser worlds the primary star stuff to create:life among this so called New Universe. ?Five to ten million years ago, due to a was broke out known as the Titan Gods Wars in the Atlantean Galaxy and Milky Way Galaxy and others .The Titans-an ancient race of? titantic robot like cyborgs,with huge minds and giant armored bodies-from the Old Maveric Universe,from a time when there was an older Titan Gods War-possably the first one, they were forced to flee to a planet in the Promeanthian Galaxy and there they seeded life on hundreds of worlds as they had done in the stellar group.
After billions of centuries and many worlds spawned sentient life-mostly humanoid lifeforms,the Atlanteans and Sidairian found a place a steelar nebula,known as The Vualt of Heavons,where they built a dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.The great sphere-an grand experient and santuary for mostly humanoid races from many Alternate various Earth or Terran worldlines,became the Atlantean Jewel of the many Alternate Realities.The Guild of Time-Sorcerers,upon the world of Genisis-Prime became attempt control the affairs of Terra-Prime,by their influence over the Legion of Time-Sorcerers.Wars soon broke out upon who controlled this world-mainly between the Imperial House Clan of Sarkhon and the Imperial House Clan of Shaitanus,and their alied houses.A great Cataclysm struck various world plates upon Terra-Prime,only made matters worse and gave rise an alien insectoid cyborg race known as the Trongaroth,to exploit and invade portions of the Pangean Shattered worlds of the Sphere.
The House Clan of Supreme Lord Adams Sarkhon-Ruler of Atlantis-Prime-First Son of Old or Elder Supreme Lord Ghalmeath Sarkhon Ruler of Genisis-Prime could abide by the rules and restriction of the Guild,pulled out. Supreme Lord Adams Sarkhon- Ruler of Atlantis-Prime and his Imperial Royal Family,felt the possible threat of the Titans returning to plague the House Clan of Sarkhon might a greater threat than anything happening upon the Dysonhere of Terra-Prime pulled out and desided to return home and prepare war there among home space,with their Atlantean Galaxy.
The primary allied Elder Races are.
• Sidairians -The creators of the Sidairian monoliths and the Preservers and Architechs of many worlds.Co-builders of the Dysonspher known as Terra-Prime.
• ?
• Seraphians-Angelic The Beings of Light .who ride crystal Ships of Light guarding and watching over the many worlds of the Multiverse.
Seraphians s are wingleg angels, traveling about in a large spacecraft most commonly referred to as the Seraphians Crystal Ship .The Ship of Lights is significantly faster than any known spacecraft, and appears to have the ability to simply show up wherever needed instantly. Its drive system emits an extremely loud sound which somehow travels through the void of space and can be heard by people in nearby spaceships, via some sort of sub special transmissions that other races can hear upon their comlinks systems or via telepathic transmission. The Seraphian do not interfere with other races, unless provoked or the situation calls for them interfere. They mainly observe and record historical event for study and intelligence gathering...The Seraphians can act times,much the Atlanteans,Sidairians and other Elder Races or Old Races-the Lords of Light,as they are sometimes called defend themselves or protect others with massive planet or star destroying weapons of Mass Destruction.Great Deflector Shields and? Plasma Force Fields that can take whole enemy star fleets or region of space.The Seraphian are holographic being-one of the younger races associate a white-clad, winged figure as a benevolent, supernatural guardian races-possibly one the first ancient races known to exist in the Old Maveric Universe. Seraphians are very nearly immortal, are able to fly, and can pass through solid objects-due there holographic nature. Seraphian appear to be extremely powerful telepaths and telekinetics.-there powers much similar as the Legion of Time-Sorcerers. angels are always beautiful, which tends to mean their features are often rather feminine?even for warrior archangels, their hair is usually long, and their figures somewhat delicate.
Seraphians-Angelic The Beings of Light .who ride crystal Ships of Light guarding and watching over the many worlds of the Multiverse.
Seraphian? territory is known as the Seraphian Federation as attendants or guardians to the many humanoid races of mankind, typically act as messengers from The Lords of Light.. Despite being called the Seraphian Federation, that deals with a hierarchical system of angels, messengers, celestial powers or emanations, and the study of these systems. it is unknown if there is a Vorlon Emperor, though there is a High Command. The Vorlon Empire maintains a strict policy of isolation. Seven Seraphian angels of? the Seraphian Supreme Lord, are portrayed as powerful and dreadful, endowed with wisdom and with knowledge of all earthly events, correct in their judgment, holy, but not infallible: they strive against each other, and God has to make peace between them.
In the many Books of? Temporal? Space, Seraphian angels are a medium of Seraphian Supreme Lord 's power and the will of other Elder Races or Old Races-the Lords of Light; they exist to execute their will. Seraphian reveal themselves to individuals as well as to the whole nation, to announce events, either bad or good, affecting humans. Seraphian are one of the oldest species in the universe, and are committed to observing and compiling knowledge on all aspects of the universe.
(An energy being or astral being is a name given to what are said to be a group of lifeforms that are made out of pure energy and not made of matter. They appear in myths/legends, paranormal/UFO accounts, and in various works of fiction.)
Fictional Energy Beings-Wikipedea
Vorlons (Babylon 5)
Organians (Star Trek)
Prophets and Pah Wraiths (Star Trek)
The Q (Star Trek)
Zzzax (Marvel comics)
Ascended Ancients and Ori (Stargate SG-1)
Drej (Titan A.E.)
C'tan (Warhammer 40,000)
Naruu and Ethereals (World of Warcraft)
Sidairians -The creators of the Sidairian monoliths and the Preservers and Architechs of many worlds.Co-builders of the Dysonspher known as Terra-Prime.The Sidairians are large headed humanoids,of many racial features and hair colors.Some bald ?some not.The Sidairians,are also beings of vast power and intellect,much the Atlanteans and their Legion of Time-Sorcerers.The Sidairians were partially responsible for the formation and training of the Temporal Guardians.With assistance from the Atlanteans and other Elder Races,they instructed and often act as Commisioners for the Guardian activety.Mostly for the Temporal Guardian Law Enforcement Agency Devision of the Corps.Sidairians are Great Builders of? worlds-Ring Worlds,World Ships and Moon Ships,plus one or two Dysonspheres-Terra-Prime being the most famous and notable example.Sidairian very rarely intereact with other lesser races and act through others,such the Atlanteans or the Temporal Guard.They mainly,like Seraphians act as a Watch Guard,keeping survailence over the so called young races.The Sidairians often erect Galactic Barriers-Sidairian Barriers,created by way of bouys or mines,that create walls of plasma,force feirlds and such to prevent other so called ??dark races ?? or ??species ??from gaining access to those protected Light Zones.
The Celestrials
The Celestrials a term once used to heavenly or mythical being are an ancient .elder race,said to be of Asiatic origin.They kind founded much of the zen like beliefs and philosophies,adopted by the other Elder Races,such the Atlanteans and Asitlandians. The Celestrials or? are said? to be one of the oldest or Elder Races in the Multiverse. .They an offshoot of the Atlanteans and share a common origin,but differ in culture and society custums
The Asitlandians.
The Asitlandians to be one of the oldest or Elder Races in the Multiverse.They an offshoot of the Atlanteans and share a common origin, but differ in culture and society customs.
The Attilandians.
The Attilandians to be one of the oldest or Elder Races in the Multiverse. .They an offshoot of the Atlanteans and share a common origin, but differ in culture and society customs.
The Asguard or Asguardians.
The Asgardians or Gods of Asgard are a fictional race of gods in the Maveric Comics universe. Some are taken from mythology while others are original creations-but both are not exactly word for word carbon copies of those Asguard presented with Asgard of Norse mythology or other fiction version of the .
They were worshipped about a millennium ago by the Norsemen of Scandinavia and various Germanic tribes, but they no longer have, or seek to have, any worshippers on Earth.
The gods live in dimension called Asgard which is also home to 5 other races (Giants, Dwarves, Elves, Trolls, and Demons).
The Asguardians are an ancient, Elder Race, who are mostly human in appearance and nature-an offshoot of the Atlanteans, they are a proud warrior race, who believe battle and protection of their worlds are the primary reason for existence. The Aesear Asguardians ,inspired many myths and legend throughout the Multiverse.Some of their interstellar travels inspired much of the Delkhon Alliance. The Asguard or Asguardian? are said? to be one of the oldest or Elder Races in the Multiverse. .They an offshoot of the Atlanteans and share a common origin,but differ in culture and society custums. Vanir and Aisear is the name of one of the two groups of? the Asguardians.The Vanir-being Asguardians ,ruled by Lord Niord Odinshield-cousin od Supreme Lord Woton Odinshield and the Aisir-being Asguardians ruled by Supreme Lord Woton Odinshield.Loki Odinsheild.Balder Odinsheild.
Asguard is broken up into nine realms
Asguard is the home of the Capitol Realm,whom the race is named after. Asguard, world of the ?sir.I do not want to simply use strait nordic mythological names and places,since you have Marvel Comics and others,like Stargate doing already.Plus,if you change things a bit,you can play around with the creations-not have be so literal with situations and charactwers.Also,you can have a copyright upon the creations,if you alter them enough,as to be unique to your fictional mythology,not someone elses-even if it is in the public domain for centuries.
Valhallanheim is a realm of Asgard. It is also known as the land of the honored dead.Within here is The Halls of Valhalla-a Great Hall of resurrected honored dead Asguardian Warriors. Those who die in the fighting will be brought back to life
Main article: Jotunheim
Jotunheim is the home of the Asguardian Giants.
Main article: Svartalfheim
Svartalfheim is the home of the Dark Elves.
Main article: Hel
Helheim is the realm of the dead who are neither honored nor dishonored. It is ruled by Hela Odinshield.
Main article: Niffleheim
Niffleheim is the realm of the dishonored Asguardian dead.They are those ,who dishonored themselves and did make it to Valhallanheim
Main article: Muspelheim
Muspelheim is the home of the Demons. It was ruled by Surtur Utguard .
?Avaloneans or Avalonians;
Avaloneans or Avaloniansare an ancient,Elder Race,who mostly who are mostly human in appearance and nature-an offshoot of the Atlanteans.They represent the Celtic civilizations or Celtic based civilizations.
The Olympians.
The Olympians or Olympeans are an ancient, Elder Race, who are mostly human in appearance and nature-an offshoot of the Atlanteans. Their race has inspired the love of music and art throughout the heavens.The Olympian or Olympeans are said? to be one of the oldest or Elder Races in the Multiverse. .They an offshoot of the Atlanteans and share a common origin,but differ in culture and society custums. The king of the Olympian gods was Supreme Lord Zeus Centaurus and his wife is Supreme Lady Hera Centaurus. Supreme General Ares Centaurus, the so called Omypian god of war and is Great Lord Zeus Centaurus?s younger brother. There were twelve supreme Olympians, although the precise configuration of the divine counsel convening on Mount Olympus was subject to change over time.This is a great Eternal white palace,that sits upon pantheon (from Greek ????????, temple of all gods
The supreme gods of the Greek pantheon, who were thought to dwell on the peaks of Mount Olympus or somewhere in the sky.
For a picture and a discussion of the individual deities, see The Olympians.
High in the clouds, they lived in a marvelous palace and diverted themselves from time to time by interfering in the lives of the mortals below.
The king of the Olympian gods was Zeus Centaurus . He sat on a throne of Egyptian marble, inlaid with gold. A purple ram's fleece cushioned the seat. King of the Gods, Ruler of Mt. Olympus, god of the sky, thunder and justice.
Queen Hera's throne was ivory. Over it hung a full moon. Queen of the Gods and of the Heavens, Goddess of women, marriage and motherhood. To the side of Hera sat Ares, the god of war. His throne, of burnished brass, had a cushion covered in human skin. The throne room, or council hall, was in the midst of the sumptuous palace, built for the Olympians by the Cyclopes, industrious one-eyed giants.
There were twelve supreme Olympians, although the precise configuration of the divine counsel convening on Mount Olympus was subject to change over time. At one point, for instance, Hestia, goddess of the hearth, was a member, but she grew tired of the godly bickering and gladly gave her place to the god of wine, Dionysus Centuarus.
Lady Demeter Centaurus Goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature and seasons.She is a sister Supreme Lord Zeus Centaurus.
Lord Supreme Hades Centaurus Lord of the Dead,so called Olympian? god of the Underworld and wealth .He rules the prison worlds of
Second Generation
Princess Aphrodite Centaurus , Goddess of love, beauty, desire and fertility.First Daughter of Supreme Lord Zeus Centaurus and his wife is Supreme Lady Hera Centaurus.
.Prince ?Apollo Centaurus, God of the Sun, of light, healing, music, poetry, prophecy, archery and truth.First Son of Supreme Lord Zeus Centaurus and his wife is Supreme Lady Hera Centaurus.
Princess Artemis Centaurus, Goddess of the hunt, of maidens and Moon.Second Daughter of Supreme Lord Zeus Centaurus and his wife is Supreme Lady Hera Centaurus.
Princess Artemis Centaurus, Goddess of the hunt, of maidens and Moon.Third Daughter of Supreme Lord Zeus Centaurus and his wife is Supreme Lady Hera Centaurus.
Princess Athena Centaurus, Goddess of wisdom, crafts and strategic battle.First Daughter of Supreme General Ares Centaurus
Prince Hephaestus Centaurus, God of fire and the forges.Blacksmith to the Gods. First Son of
Prince Hermes Centaurus, The Messenger of the Gods, God of commerce, speed, thieves and trade. Second Son of
Demeter's daughter Persephone Centaurus was sometimes but not often considered to be one of the twelve. As Hades' wife, her proper throne was in the Underworld. Nor was the god of the dead, Hades himself, an Olympian, even though he was Zeus's brother. On the other hand, Zeus's other brother Admirel Poseidon Centaurus shared the lofty heights of Olympus when he was not breasting the waves in his seaborne chariot. He is often depicted carrying a three-pronged spear, or trident, symbol of his power as Olympian god of the seas and stellar void. Poseidon is also called Lord of the Sea, god of the seas, horses and eathquakes .
Others in the pantheon were Princess Aphrodite Centaurus, goddess of beauty, and her husband Hephaestus, master craftsman of the Olympians; Hermes Centaurus, the Olympians' messenger, and Prince Apollo Centaurus , so called Olympian god of prophecy and healing.Princess Athena Centaurus often carries a spear because she is Olympian goddess not just of crafts but of the science of war as well. And Princess Artemis Centaurus the huntress is equipped with a bow. Olympus was subject to change over time..
Demeter's daughter Persephone was sometimes but not often considered to be one of the twelve. As Hades' wife, her proper throne was in the Underworld. Nor was the god of the dead,Lord ?Hades Centaurus himself, an Olympian, even though he was Zeus's brother.
The Astran .
The Astran are an ancient,elder race-possibly an offshoot of the Taurons.
The Galaxians?
The Galaxians?appear as tall humanoids of a slender build with ?have pale, blue skin or grey ?some a kind of silvery white in complection, and are mostly hairless-though some Galaxians but hair upon their heads-mainly who female. Their eye color ranges from golden to scarlet. They are in reality energy-based beings, composed of what they refer to as "core energy": their skin being an artificial facade that they can generate after sampling the nano technology of other similar species. The Galaxian?use the same technology for the construction of most of their spacecraft as they do for the construction of their buildings and other objects.Sectulation,is that the crystal structures used by the Atlantean and other Elder species,is based in part upon Galaxian technology The craft they use vary enormously in size. Galaxians often requite their own Temporal Guardians, complete with huge Robot assistants, to carry peace keeping operations.
The Lord of Darkness
The Lords of Darkness does not refer to anyone specific, but is a general term, once used to refer to anyone not allied with the so called Lords of Light, but became a wider term to refer to anyone of the Elder Races or species, that became allies of the Great Alliance of the Dark Zones of Space-blocked out or shielded regions of space, where no one was allowed to keep surveillance or spy upon with sensory or spy probe technology. Here restricted trade and communication was often kept under a tight rule by the Lord of Darkness and monitored by their specific government military establishments or surveillance organization. Often specific treaties, that create Neutral Zones are erected to allow, certain free trade with other planetary or interstellar government are negotiated and founded to compromise certain territorial conflicts with interstellar power, if necessary.
The Lords of Darkness-otherwise are anyone who is considered the bad guys, while Lord of Light are anyone, who considered the Good Guys.
The Titans
The Titans appear as completely silent, armored humanoids with an average height of? deities that ruled during the legendary Golden Age. The twelve first-generation Titans were led by the youngest, Cronus, who overthrew their father, Uranus ('Heaven'), at the urgings of their mother, Gaia ('Earth').The Titans were actually larged headed weak humanoid being,encased Titasntic Armor-vast in intellect but greedy and arrogant,they began their creators the Lords og Light-mainly the Atlanteans-ainly the Atlanteans they hated the most was the many members of the Imperial House Clan of Sarkhon.They began to rebel against the rule of their so called Masters and resistance forces soon became a problem between them and the House of Sarkhon.The House of Sarkhon,led Supreme Lord Luciphar Sarkhon began arrest and prosecute the Rebel Titans.Soon the Titans began hunt down and attempt to destroy those persecuted them.The Titan Gods Wars began as the Atlanteans and the other Elder Races were drawn into this war,as other darker races or species,who sided with them and hated the so called Lords of Light.Other races such the Deamons or Demons became their alies.
The Titans later gave birth to other Titans, notably the children of Hyperion (Helios, Eos, and Selene), the daughters of Coeus (Leto and Asteria), and the sons of Iapetus ? Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas, and Menoetius; all of these descendants in the second generation are also known as "Titans".
The Deamons
Deamons or Demons are a scientifically and technologically advanced militaristic alien race in the fictional Maveric Universe or Maveric Multiverse.
The Deamons or Demons;are a race of lizard like humanoids,that evolved upon dark world,somewhere within the Old Maveric Universe.The demons are often dark skinned ?either green or blue skinned ?sometimes red or yellow skinned,with hurns upon their heads,clawed hands and feet-sometimes like cloven hoves. The Deamon Empire,ruled the Daemond Emperor Asmodeus Ahariman and Shedu Seven Lords of Darkness. The Shabari Shadow Preist-rule their empire through fear and vision of nightmares.They use their telepathic abilities to cause seizure in others brains and thus control them as slaves out of fear of the Shabari Shadow Preist? telepathic tortures and mental conditioning ". The Deamons or Demons attempts to corrupt humanoid species? through temptation and through false suggestion.They usually want to corrupt other races to confuse and distract those races,in a hope to divide and control later at some time.
Most demons follow the will of The Deamon Empire,but there are some who have rebelled against the Daemond Emperor Asmodeus Ahariman and Shedu Seven Lords of Darkness.They have created Deamons Resistant Cells,while seek out others to join their cause.Those Demons the Exiles,often seek out the places of the the Lords of Light as sanctuary-knowing that within their presence, they have Embassy of Foreign protection.

Imperial House of Sarkhon-The foremost and mightiest Royal Family of Atlantis-Prime. Older branches exist within the Worldships known as Genesis-Prime and Atlantis-Prime.There are other known and unknown Atlantean lost colonies scattered all over temporal space-The Atlantean Planet of Iskhandar,the Colony of Neitherweird,Alpha-Tellus
Imperial House of Sarkhon.are the foremost guardians of peace and justice throughout the known Multiverse.Immensely old-older than many New Universes or Multiverses-their origins extrend back into the Old Maveric Universe,on a Planet known as Atlantis-a huge world,third from it's yellow sun -much like Earth in many ways.It spawned a race of Super beings,who use technology so advanced their science seems more magic or the supernatural than technology.

Other strange Cthulu Type alien races,I'm working on are the Yogg Khoshians-a kind of tribute to Yag Kosha of the Conan Story ''TOWER OF THE ELEPHANT.
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Alien Elder Races
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business plan Oct 2 2007 Oct 2 2007
Elder race
mavericstallion8 Jan 7 Jan 7
Elder Race (2)
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Imperial House of Sarkhon-
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being edited by mavericstallion8 ?
Imperial House of Sarkhon- (2)
mavericstallion8 Jan 7 Jan 7
Prince Lasar Sarkhon;Time-Sorcerer, Oct 2 2007 Nov 6 2007
Prince Lasar Sarkhon;Time-Sorcerer, (2) Oct 3 2007 Nov 6 2007
Prometheus Oct 2 2007 Oct 2 2007
Secret Origins of Maveric Comics Oct 18 2007 Oct 18 2007
TALES OF ATLANTIS-PRIME Oct 3 2007 Oct 3 2007
Terra-Prime Oct 3 2007 Oct 3 2007
The Immortals 8.5KB Oct 2 2007 Oct 2 2007
The Time-Sorcerers Guild
Superhero fiction
Main article: Superhero fiction

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Thursday, February 01, 2007
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